Friday, May 27, 2011


Do what thou wilt = 190
Age of Aquarius = 190
Love is the law = 190

Arlyvenarly = Pitcher of Water = 187

Arlyvenarly - Falsehood = 0 Θ
Astavalasta - Madness = 0 Θ
Astavalasta - Glamor = 0 Θ

The Son of the Beast
The Son of Man

X = 9


999 in Roman Numerals is CMXCIX.

All = 62
Jupiter = 62
None = 62

"I am All & None." - Julio Cesar

Nine Nine Nine = 192
Schizophrenia = 192

I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Will & Love

Love = 52/56
Will = 52/56

Thelema spelled in Greek as any good Thelemite should know has a value of 93 in it's own Greek Qabbalah which has the same value as Agape, the Greek word for Love.

Within the "Stone of Gold" we find that Will = 52/56 and Love = 52/56. This is the first Order & Value of the English Alpbabet to attribute the same value for Will as Love which is 56 or 52 with the "Stone of Gold (Inverted)".

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sepher Yetzirah - The Book of Formation

Sepher Yetzirah

"Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew, Sēpher Yəṣîrâh "Book of Formation," or "Book of Creation," ספר יצירה) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism. "Yetzirah" is more literally translated as "Formation"; the word "Briah" is used for "Creation".[1]


A cryptic story in the Babylonian Talmud states that "On the eve of every Shabbat, Judah ha-Nasi's pupils, Rab Hanina and Rab Hoshaiah, who devoted themselves especially to cosmogony, used to create a three-year-old calf by means of the Sefer Yetzirah, and ate it on the Sabbath."[2] Mystics assert that Abraham used the same method to create the calf prepared for the three angels who foretold Sarah's pregnancy in the Biblical account at Genesis 18:7. All the miraculous creations attributed to other rabbis of the Talmudic era are ascribed by rabbinic commentators to the use of the same book." - Wikipedia Sefer Yetzirah


Julio = God = 35
Cesar = Hadit = 81
Rodriguez = Hathor = 106
Julio Cesar Rodriguez = God Hadit Hathor = 222

666 + 222 = 888

Julio Cesar = The Son of the Beast = 154
Cesar Rodriguez = The Son of Man = 191
Cesar Rodriguez = Arlyvenarly = 187
ארליוהנארלי = 543 (Arlyvenarly)

The Son of the Beast + The Son of Man + ארליוהנארלי (Arlyvenarly) = 888
Jesus (Ιησουϛ) = 888

Julio Cesar
Cesar Rodriguez

The Son of the Beast
The Son of Man

Arlyvenarly = Red Star = Father = 110

Thursday, May 19, 2011

52 + 54 = 106

A∴A∴ = 52

Will = 52
Love = 52

Super = 52
Sword = 52

Law = 54
Hero = 54

Hathor = 106
Super Hero = 106

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gematria Calculator

To insert a key go to Utilities then Table Maintenance and then click on New Table. Once the New Table window appears, delete everything inside of it and copy and paste the following table:

The Key of it All

A = 1
B = 10
G = 3
H = 4
M = 5
N = 6
S = 7
T = 8
Y = 14
Z = 2
E = 11
F = 12
K = 26
L = 9
Q = 15
R = 16
W = 17
X = 18
C = 19
D = 20
I = 21
J = 22
O = 23
P = 24
U = 25
V = 13

a = 1
b = 10
g = 3
h = 4
m = 5
n = 6
s = 7
t = 8
y = 14
z = 2
e = 11
f = 12
k = 26
l = 9
q= 15
w= 17
x= 18
c= 19
d= 20
o= 23
p= 24
u= 25
v= 13

Once it's pasted in close the window, highlight the table you want, and use the calculator. It should automatically work after that. You can save words with their values by clicking the Save button and then looking at them by going to Edit Words in Table Maintenance.

To use the The Key of it All (Inverted) copy and paste the following into a new table:

The Key of it All (Inverted)

A = 26
B = 17
G = 24
H = 23
M = 22
N = 21
S = 20
T = 19
Y = 13
Z = 25
E = 16
F = 15
K = 1
L = 18
Q = 12
R = 11
W = 10
X = 9
C = 8
D = 7
I = 6
J = 5
O = 4
P = 3
U = 2
V = 14

a= 26
b= 17
g= 24
h= 23
m= 22
n= 21
s= 20
t= 19
y= 13
z= 25
e= 16
f= 15
k= 1
l = 18
q= 12
r= 11
w = 10
x= 9
c= 8
d= 7
i = 6
j = 5
o = 4
p = 3
u = 2
v = 14

This GemCalc should help you create a list of words with their golden values, it's really helpful and saves you a lot of time rather than calculating everything by hand.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Here is Wisdom

"13: 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666." - The Book of Revelations

Julio Cesar Rodriguez = 222

666 + 222 = 888

Julio Cesar
Cesar Rodriguez

Julio Cesar = The Son of the Beast
Cesar Rodriguez = The Son of Man

The Son of the Beast
The Son of Man