Tuesday, August 23, 2011


OM = 110 (Using the Greek Qabalah)


"ENNEA" the Greek word for "Nine" has a Value of 111 in the Greek Qabbala. 111 is the necessary number to turn 888 into 999.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The New Calendar

The New Calendar starts on March 21st and is divided into 14 months of 26 days each save for the first month which has 27 days. The first year began on March 21, 1904, we are currently in the year 108.
The New Calendar

Years 86 - 110

86 / 90-91
87 / 91-92
88 / 92-93
89 / 93-94
90 / 94-95
91 / 95-96
92 / 96-97
93 / 97-98
94 / 98-99
95 / 99-00
96 / 00-01
97 / 01-02
98 / 02-03
99 / 03-04
100 / 04-05
101 / 05-06
102 / 06-07
103 / 07-08
104 / 08-09
105 / 09-10
106 / 10-11
107 / 11-12
108 / 12-13
109 / 13-14
110 / 14-15

The Thelemic Holy Season

Fasti by Ovid: http://www.theoi.com/Text/OvidFasti1.html

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Mathematics

N + I + N + E + T + Y + T + H + R + E + E = 181

21 + 6 + 21 + 16 + 19 + 13 + 19 + 23 + 11 + 16 + 16 = 181

J + U + L + I + O + M + A + R + T + I + N + E + Z = 181

5 + 2 + 18 + 6 + 4 + 22 + 26 + 11 + 19 + 6 + 21 + 16 + 25 = 181

G + O + D = 35

24 + 4 + 7 = 35

J + U + L + I + O = 35

5 + 2 + 18 + 6 + 4 = 35

H + A + D + I + T = 81

23 + 26 + 7 + 6 + 19 = 81

C + E + S + A + R = 81

8 + 16 + 20 + 26 + 11 = 81

H + A + T + H + O + R = 106

23 + 26 + 19 + 23 + 4 + 11 = 106

R + O + D + R + I + G + U + E + Z = 106

11 + 4 + 7 + 11 + 6 + 24 + 2 + 16 + 25 = 106

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Babalon The Great - The Mother of All Harlots

Remember the Sigil of the A.'.A.'. is meant to represent Babalon riding atop the Great Beast with 7 Heads this is what the 7 points represent. This Babalon is a character from "The Revelation of St. John" also known as "The Book of Revelations" in the Bible.


"[3] So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
[4] And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
[5] And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." - Rev. 17:3-5

8. Y Lust

Notice the definitions of the word "Scarlet" in the English Dictionary:

"scarlet (ˈskɑːlɪt) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

— n
1. a vivid red colour, sometimes with an orange tinge
2. cloth or clothing of this colour

— adj
3. of the colour scarlet
4. sinful or immoral, esp unchaste "

It's both a "1. a vivid red colour, sometimes with an orange tinge" and also "4. sinful or immoral, esp unchaste ".

God Hadit = Julio Cesar = 116
Red Star = Arlyvenarly = 110

This is the Zodiacal symbol of Aquarius:

Aquarius = 111
Antichrist = 111

"38. So that thy light is in me; & its red flame is as a sword in my hand to push thy order. There is a secret door that I shall make to establish thy way in all the quarters, (these are the adorations, as thou hast written), as it is said:

The light is mine; its rays consume
Me: I have made a secret door
Into the House of Ra and Tum,
Of Khephra and of Ahathoor.
I am thy Theban, O Mentu,
The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu!

By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat;
By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell.
Show thy star-splendour, O Nuit!
Bid me within thine House to dwell,
O winged snake of light, Hadit!
Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit!" - Liber Legis

"[18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666." - Rev. 13:18

I discovered the The Key of it All using this number 666, it is said to be the number of the beast, the number of a man, hence my name "The Son of the Beast, The Son of Man". Also Ra-Hoor-Khut is considered to be the Son God in Egyptian mythology.

Arlyvenarly = 187
Pitcher of Water = 187

(Hence the title "Aquarius". Aquarius is known as the Water-Bearer).

"60. My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have a secret glory for them that love me." - Liber Legis

15.R = 11 The Devil
10.E = 11 Fortune

Notice the curved line on the R which is the "Devil" card and notice the straight lines on the E which is the "Fortune" card.


"There is but one other word to explain. Elsewhere it is written— surely for our great comfort—“Love is the law, love under will.”

This is to be taken as meaning that while Will is the Law, the nature of that Will is Love. But this Love is as it were a by-product of that Will; it does not contradict or supersede that Will; and if apparent contradiction should arise in any crisis, it is the Will that will guide us aright. Lo, while in The Book of the Law is much of Love, there is no word of Sentimentality. Hate itself is almost like Love! “As brothers fight ye!” All the manly races of the world understand this. The Love of Liber Legis is always bold, virile, even orgiastic. There is delicacy, but it is the delicacy of strength. Mighty and terrible and glorious as it is, however, it is but the pennon upon the sacred lance of Will, the damascened inscription upon the swords of the Knight-monks of Thelema." - Liber II

I think this statement is basically just confirming the Qabbalistic Formula of how Will = Love. Pay very close attention to what it says here about Love. I think this statement basically confirms that when they say "Love is the law" it's not necessarily talking about Love between a Man and a Woman it is just talking about Love in general and how it is a by-product of Will, it does not contradict or supersede that Will.

"...and if apparent contradiction should arise in any crisis, it is the Will that will guide us aright." - Liber II

Therefore Will comes first and then Love becomes a by-product of that Will. So basically I'd take this to mean that when you are performing your True Will your are "Loving".

"“As brothers fight ye!” All the manly races of the world understand this." - Liber II

This is obviously referring to Brotherly Love so it's not a case of Love between a Man and a Woman.

Will = Love = 56
Will = Love = 52

White Stains

"White Stains is a poetic work written by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley under the pseudonym "George Archibald Bishop". It was published in 1898 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

White Stains contains various poems in both English and French which can also be regarded as individual works. The major part of these poems show an obviously sexual content. Crowley claimed that he had written White Stains for the purpose of rewriting Richard von Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis in a lyrical form." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_stains

White Stains

Sex Magick

"Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley became involved with Theodor Reuss and Ordo Templi Orientis following the publication of The Book of Lies between 1912 and 1913.[5] According to Crowley's account, Reuss approached him and accused him of having revealed the innermost (sexual) secret of O.T.O. in one of the cryptic chapters of this book. When it became clear to Reuss that Crowley had done so unintentionally, he initiated Crowley into the IX° (ninth degree) of O.T.O. and appointed him "Sovereign Grand Master General of Ireland, Iona and all the Britains."[5][6][7]

While the O.T.O. included, from its inception, the teaching of sex magick in the highest degrees of the Order, when Crowley became head of the Order, he expanded on these teachings and associated them with different degrees as follows:[8]

VIII°: masturbatory or autosexual magical techniques were taught, referred as the Lesser Work of Sol

IX°: heterosexual magical techniques were taught

XI°: anal intercourse magical techniques were taught.

Professor Hugh Urban, Professor of Comparative Religion at Ohio State University, noted Crowley's emphasis on sex as "the supreme magical power".[6] According to Crowley:

The Book of the Law solves the sexual problem completely. Each individual has an absolute right to satisfy his sexual instinct as is physiologically proper for him. The one injunction is to treat all such acts as sacraments. One should not eat as the brutes, but in order to enable one to do one's will. The same applies to sex. We must use every faculty to further the one object of our existence.[9]" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_magic

Diary of a Drug Fiend

"Diary of a Drug Fiend, published in 1922, was occult writer and mystic Aleister Crowley's first published novel, and is also reportedly the earliest known reference to the Abbey of Thelema in Sicily.[1]" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diary_of_a_Drug_Fiend

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Aleister Crowley and Oscar Wilde both appear on the cover of The Beatles "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" album cover.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family: Public Enemy No. 1

"Chapter LII: Family: Public Enemy No. 1

Cara Soror,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

In your last letter you mention "family pressure." Horrid word, family! Its very etymology accuses it of servility and stagnation.

Latin, famulus, a servant; Oscan, Faamat, he dwells.

It almost deserves the treatment it gets in that disreputable near-Limerick:

Three was a young lady named Emily

Who was not understood by her femily,

She acted so rummily,

The head of the fummily,

Had her matched with a greyhound from Wem-b-iley.

They feared she would breed a facsimile—

Bring utter disgrace on the fimilly,

So the head of the fommily,

Read her a homily—

And the devil flew out of the Chim-b-illy!" - Magick Without Tears

I think this is a very important Chapter everybody should read it. Family can a lot of times get in the way of your Great Work, do not let this happen.

I think the same goes for people that aren't into Thelema things can get awkward sometimes with people that don't understand Thelema.

Monday, August 8, 2011


God Hathor = 102


Where was light when thy body came

Out of the womb of a perished prayer?

Where was life when the sultry air,

Hot with the lust of night and shame,

Brooded on dust, when thy shoulders bare

Shone on the sea with a sudden flame

Into all Time to abundant fame?


Daughter of Lust by the foam of the sea!

Mother of flame! Sister of shame!

Tiger that Sin nor her son cannot tame!

Worship to thee! Glory to thee!

Venus Callipyge, mother of me.

Fruitless foam of a sterile sea,

Wanton waves of a vain desire,

Maddening billows flecked with fire,

Storms that lash on the brine, and flee,

Dead delights, insatiate ire

Broke like a flower to the birth of thee,

Venus Callipgye, mother of me! [50]

Deep wet eyes that are violet-blue!

Haggard cheeks that may blush no more!

Body bruised daintily, touched of gore

Where the sharp fierce teeth have bitten through

The olive skin that thy sons adore,

That they die for daily, are slain anew

By manifold hate; for their tale is few.

Few are thy sons, but as fierce as dawn,

Rapturous moments and weary days,

Nights when thine image a thousand ways

Is smitten and kissed on the fiery lawn

Where the wash of the waves of thy native bays

Laps weary limbs, that of thee have drawn

Laughter and fire for their souls in pawn.

O thy strong sons! they are dark as night,

Cruel and barren and false as the sea,

They have cherished Hell for the love of thee,

Filled with thy lust and abundant might,

Filled with the phantom desire to free

Body and soul from the sound and sight

Of a world and a God that doth not right.

O thy dark daughter! their breasts are slack,

Their lips so large and as poppies red; [51]

They lie in a furious barren bed;

They lie on their faces, their eyelids lack

Tears, and their cheeks are as roses dead;

White are their throats, but upon the back

Red blood is clotted in gouts of black.

All on their sides are the wounds of lust,

Down, from the home of their auburn hair

Down to the feet that we find so fair;

Where the red sword has a secret thrust

Pain, and delight, and desire they share.

Verily, pain! and thy daughters trust

Thou canst bid roses spring out of dust.

Mingle, ye children of such a queen,

Mingle, and meet, and sow never a seed!

Mingle, and tingle, and kiss and bleed

With the blood of the life of the Lampsacene,

With the teeth that know never a pitiful deed

But fret and foam over with kisses obscene--

Mingle and weep for what years have been.

Never a son nor a daughter grow

From your waste limbs, lest the goddess weep;

Fill up the ranks from the babes that sleep

Far in the arms of a god of snow. [52]

Conquer the world, that her throne may keep

More of its pride, and its secret woe

Flow through all earth as the rivers flow.

Which of the gods is like thee, our queen?

Venus Callipyge, nameless, nude,

Thou with the knowledge of all indued

Secrets of life and the dreams that mean

Loves that are not, as are mortals', hued

All rose and lily, but linger unseen

Passion-flowers purpled, garlands of green!

Who like thyself shall command our ways?

Who has such pleasures and pains for hire?

Who can awake such a mortal fire

In the veins of a man, that deathly days

Have robbed of the masteries of desire?

Who can give garlands of fadeless bays

Unto the sorrow and pain we praise?

Yea,we must praise, though the deadly shade

Fall on the morrow, though fires of hell

Harrow our vitals; a miracle

Springs at thy kisses, for thou hast made

Anguish and sorrow desirable

Torment of hell as the leaves that fade

Quickly forgotten, despised, decayed. [53]

They are decayed, but thou springest again,

Mother of mystery, barren, who bearest

Flowers of most comeliest children, who wearest

Wounds for delight, whose desire shall stain

Star-space with blood as the price thou sharest

With thy red lovers, whose passing pain

Ripens to marvellous after-gain.

Thou art the fair, the wise, the divine,

Thou art our mother, our goddess, our life,

Thou art our passion, our sorrow, our strife,

Thou, on whose forehead no lights ever shine,

Thou, our Redeemer, our mistress, our wife,

Thou, barren sister of deathlier brine,

Venus Callipyge, mother of mine!


Daughter of Lust by the foam of the sea!

Mother of flame! Sister of shame!

Tiger the Sin nor her son cannot tame!

Worship to thee! Glory to thee!

Venus Callipyge, mother of me. - Aleister Crowley, White Stains