"Temporal aspects
There is a debate as to the temporal span of an Aeon. On the one hand it is argued that an Aeon lasts 2000 years in accordance with the astrological ages generated by the procession cycles of the earth's axis (ie; the 26000 year 'platonic year'), while on the other, Crowley himself suggested that the Horus Age may last as little as 100 years, and that the Aeons might not be uniformly defined in terms of duration. Still another point of view suggests that an Aeon is better interpreted in light of the Gnostic model in which Aeons (or Aions) are considered as stages or spheres of influence in terms of the development of an energy. As such, in this view an Aeon is not Chronological at all, and it is possible for several Aeons to co-exist on the Earth at one time. Contemporary earthly existence of 'prehistoric' cultures, patriarchal structures, and Horus-influenced bastions of individualism, are cited as support for this hypothesis of heterogeneous Aeonics." - http://thelemapedia.org/index.php/Aeon
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Excerpt from "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley"
This is an excerpt from "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley" Part I Chapter 17:
"The Cloud upon the Sanctuary told me of a secret community of saints in possession of every spiritual grace, of the keys to the treasurers of nature, and of moral emancipation such that there was no intolerance of unkindness. The members of this Church lived their secret life of sanctity in the world, radiating light and love upon all that came within their scope, yet they were free from spiritual pride. They enjoyed intimate communion with the immanent divine soul of nature. Inheritors of innocence and illumination, they were not self-seekers; and their one passion was to bring mankind into the sphere of their own sublimity, dealing with each individual as his circumstances required. To them the members of the Trinity were nearer and more real than anything else in the universe. But they were pure ideas of incorruptible integrity. The incarnation was a mystical or magical operation which took place in every man. Each was himself the Son of God who had assumed a body of flesh and blood in order to perform the work of redemption. The in-dwelling of the Holy Ghost was a sanctification resulting from the completion of the great work when the self had been crucified to itself and raised again in incorruptible immortality.
I did not yet see that this conception reposed on metaphysical bases as untenable as those of orthodoxy. There was no attempt to explain the origin of evil and similar difficulties. But these things were mysteries which would be revealed to the saint as he advanced in the way of grace. Anyhow, I was certainly not the person to cavil. The sublimity of the idea enthralled me; it satisfied my craving for romance and poetry. I determined with my whole heart to make myself worthy to attract the notice of this mysterious brotherhood. I yearned passionately for illumination. I could imagine nothing more exquisite than to enter into communion with these holy men and to acquire the power of communicating with the angelic and divine intelligence of the universe. I longed for perfect purity of life, for mastery of the secret forces of nature, and for a career of devoted labour on behalf of "the Creation which groaneth and travaileth".
My poetry at this time is charged to the highest point with these aspirations. I may mention the dedication to Songs of the Spirit, "The Quest", "The Alchemist", "The Philosopher's Progress", "A Spring Snowstorm in WAstdale", "Succubus", "Nightfall", "The Storm", "Wheat and Wine", "Vespers",
"Astrology" and "Daedalus". In "the Farewell of Paracelsus to Aprile", "The Initiation", "Isaiah" and "Power", I have expressed my ideas about the ordeals which might be expected on the Path. All these poems were published in 1898. In later volumes, Mysteries Lyrical and Dramatic, The Fatal Force, The Temple of the Holy Ghost and Tannhäuser, these ideas are carried further in the light of my practical experience of the Path.
It may seem strange that, despite the yearning after sanctification, which is the keynote of these works, I never lost sight of what seems on the surface the incompatible idea of justification by sin. "Jezebel" and the other poems in that volume prove this point. It is as if my unconscious were aware that every act is a sacrament and that the most repulsive rituals might be in some ways the most effective. The only adequate way of overcoming evil was to utilize it fully as a means of grace. Religion was for me a passionate reality of the most positive kind. Virtue is etymologically manhood. Virility, creative conception and enthusiastic execution were the means of attainment. There could be no merit in abstention from vice. Vice indeed is vitium, a flaw or defect.
This attitude is not antinomianism, as the word is usually understood. When St. Paul said, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient", he only went half way. One ought to leave no form of energy to rust. Every particle of one's personality is a necessary factor in the equation and every impulse must be turned to account in the Great Work. I perceived, moreover, that all conventional rules of conduct were valid only in relation to environment. To take a fundamental issue: selfpreservation. On the theory of reincarnation or that of immortality, there should be no more objection to dying than there is to going to sleep. In any case, I realized that my physical life was utterly valueless; and I did not set it at a pin's fee.
I have never been afraid of carrying into effect my conclusions; and I knew, what is more, that to fail to do so would be merely to create a conflict in myself. I had a thorough instinctive understanding of the theory of psychoanalysis. The this fact I attribute my extraordinary success in all my spiritual undertakings, From the very beginning I made a point of carrying out the instructions of one of the old Grimoires "to buy a black egg without haggling". I always understood that spiritual and material wealth were incommensurable. If I wanted a book on Magick and it was offered me for ten times the proper price, I would buy it on the spot, even though I knew that I had only to go round the corner to find an honest tradesman.
I did this sort of thing on purpose to affirm magically that nothing mattered except the work of the moment. It was "Take not thought for the morrow" carried out in its most literal sense. I made a point of putting God on His honour, so to speak, to supply anything I might need by demonstrating to
him that I would not keep back the least imaginable fraction of my resources. I acquired this custom later on, when I had definitely discovered the direction of my destiny; but the moral basis of my attitude was already present. The first important indication of its incidence is given by the outcome of my friendship with Pollitt.
He was in residence during the Easter term of 1898 and we saw each other almost every day. In the vacation he accompanied me to Wastdale Head and used to walk with me over the fells, thought I could never persuade him to do any rock climbing.
I was absorbed in The Cloud upon the Sanctuary, reading it again and again without being put off by the pharisaical, priggish and pithecanthropoid notes of its translator, Madame de Steiger. I appealed with the whole force of my will to the adepts of the Hidden Church to prepare me as postulant for their august company. As will be seen later, acts of will, performed by the proper person, never fall to the ground, impossible as it is (at present) to understand by what means the energy is transmitted." - Aleister Crowley "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley"
To read the entire Book go here: http://hermetic.com/crowley/confessions/
"The Cloud upon the Sanctuary told me of a secret community of saints in possession of every spiritual grace, of the keys to the treasurers of nature, and of moral emancipation such that there was no intolerance of unkindness. The members of this Church lived their secret life of sanctity in the world, radiating light and love upon all that came within their scope, yet they were free from spiritual pride. They enjoyed intimate communion with the immanent divine soul of nature. Inheritors of innocence and illumination, they were not self-seekers; and their one passion was to bring mankind into the sphere of their own sublimity, dealing with each individual as his circumstances required. To them the members of the Trinity were nearer and more real than anything else in the universe. But they were pure ideas of incorruptible integrity. The incarnation was a mystical or magical operation which took place in every man. Each was himself the Son of God who had assumed a body of flesh and blood in order to perform the work of redemption. The in-dwelling of the Holy Ghost was a sanctification resulting from the completion of the great work when the self had been crucified to itself and raised again in incorruptible immortality.
I did not yet see that this conception reposed on metaphysical bases as untenable as those of orthodoxy. There was no attempt to explain the origin of evil and similar difficulties. But these things were mysteries which would be revealed to the saint as he advanced in the way of grace. Anyhow, I was certainly not the person to cavil. The sublimity of the idea enthralled me; it satisfied my craving for romance and poetry. I determined with my whole heart to make myself worthy to attract the notice of this mysterious brotherhood. I yearned passionately for illumination. I could imagine nothing more exquisite than to enter into communion with these holy men and to acquire the power of communicating with the angelic and divine intelligence of the universe. I longed for perfect purity of life, for mastery of the secret forces of nature, and for a career of devoted labour on behalf of "the Creation which groaneth and travaileth".
My poetry at this time is charged to the highest point with these aspirations. I may mention the dedication to Songs of the Spirit, "The Quest", "The Alchemist", "The Philosopher's Progress", "A Spring Snowstorm in WAstdale", "Succubus", "Nightfall", "The Storm", "Wheat and Wine", "Vespers",
"Astrology" and "Daedalus". In "the Farewell of Paracelsus to Aprile", "The Initiation", "Isaiah" and "Power", I have expressed my ideas about the ordeals which might be expected on the Path. All these poems were published in 1898. In later volumes, Mysteries Lyrical and Dramatic, The Fatal Force, The Temple of the Holy Ghost and Tannhäuser, these ideas are carried further in the light of my practical experience of the Path.
It may seem strange that, despite the yearning after sanctification, which is the keynote of these works, I never lost sight of what seems on the surface the incompatible idea of justification by sin. "Jezebel" and the other poems in that volume prove this point. It is as if my unconscious were aware that every act is a sacrament and that the most repulsive rituals might be in some ways the most effective. The only adequate way of overcoming evil was to utilize it fully as a means of grace. Religion was for me a passionate reality of the most positive kind. Virtue is etymologically manhood. Virility, creative conception and enthusiastic execution were the means of attainment. There could be no merit in abstention from vice. Vice indeed is vitium, a flaw or defect.
This attitude is not antinomianism, as the word is usually understood. When St. Paul said, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient", he only went half way. One ought to leave no form of energy to rust. Every particle of one's personality is a necessary factor in the equation and every impulse must be turned to account in the Great Work. I perceived, moreover, that all conventional rules of conduct were valid only in relation to environment. To take a fundamental issue: selfpreservation. On the theory of reincarnation or that of immortality, there should be no more objection to dying than there is to going to sleep. In any case, I realized that my physical life was utterly valueless; and I did not set it at a pin's fee.
I have never been afraid of carrying into effect my conclusions; and I knew, what is more, that to fail to do so would be merely to create a conflict in myself. I had a thorough instinctive understanding of the theory of psychoanalysis. The this fact I attribute my extraordinary success in all my spiritual undertakings, From the very beginning I made a point of carrying out the instructions of one of the old Grimoires "to buy a black egg without haggling". I always understood that spiritual and material wealth were incommensurable. If I wanted a book on Magick and it was offered me for ten times the proper price, I would buy it on the spot, even though I knew that I had only to go round the corner to find an honest tradesman.
I did this sort of thing on purpose to affirm magically that nothing mattered except the work of the moment. It was "Take not thought for the morrow" carried out in its most literal sense. I made a point of putting God on His honour, so to speak, to supply anything I might need by demonstrating to
him that I would not keep back the least imaginable fraction of my resources. I acquired this custom later on, when I had definitely discovered the direction of my destiny; but the moral basis of my attitude was already present. The first important indication of its incidence is given by the outcome of my friendship with Pollitt.
He was in residence during the Easter term of 1898 and we saw each other almost every day. In the vacation he accompanied me to Wastdale Head and used to walk with me over the fells, thought I could never persuade him to do any rock climbing.
I was absorbed in The Cloud upon the Sanctuary, reading it again and again without being put off by the pharisaical, priggish and pithecanthropoid notes of its translator, Madame de Steiger. I appealed with the whole force of my will to the adepts of the Hidden Church to prepare me as postulant for their august company. As will be seen later, acts of will, performed by the proper person, never fall to the ground, impossible as it is (at present) to understand by what means the energy is transmitted." - Aleister Crowley "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley"
To read the entire Book go here: http://hermetic.com/crowley/confessions/
999's Personal Study Notes on "The Cloud Upon The Sanctuary"
Here are some of my personal Notes from studying "The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary" (Remember "An Account of A.'.A.'." is Thelema's version of this text.) This "The Cloud Upon The Sanctuary" is all based on The Aeon of Osiris:
Letter's I and II
"Transcedental truth can only be understood by those who possess the proper sensorium.
The Full Man is degraded from this sensorium which blinds Spiritual Truth from him.
Men who possess this Spiritual Sensorium are Immortal.
"1st Level of Sensorium Initiation" : Inspiration
"2nd Level of Sensorium Initiation": Illumination
"3rd Level of Sensorium Initiation": Vision
Spirit connects with physical corruptible matter to render it incorruptible by influence.
It is said that "blind" Scientists cannot understand initiation. They can only measure the supernatural by the natural physical senses. They cannot explain the reality of Love, Spirit or of the Deity by natural reason. The Light of Spirit requires Faith (That is to say that only devout believers in Jesus Christ can become initiated. Although remember the A.'.A.'. has their own system of Initiation into this Light.)
The Spiritual Truth is often veiled in Symbolism.
There is a group, the Elect, of God who have been here since the first day of creation.
Exterior worship is for those incapable of handling the light.
Men enter by degrees into the mystery of light, by ceremonies in order to understand it.
The symbols of external worship are symbolized in three fundamental relations - the full, the reconciliation and the complete atonement.
External Religion is to initiate and connect man with God once more.
The external Church is visible, the interior Church is invisible having to govern all.
The Sanctuary remains changeless even though external religion receives modification.
The interior community, those capable of receiving light are known as the Communion of Saints.
All men are called, the called may be chosen if they become ripe for entrance."
Letter III
"The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary is our weakness to behold it.
God has no mysteries, they are simply veiled by the Cloud."
Letter IV
"There is only one single truth that unites all in one.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an object of faith, but can become experimental knowledge.
(It is a reposition; Religion unites Man with God)
The doctrine of reunions: The first is the knowledge of the correct means of union. The Second is by these means should be suitably coordinated to the end.
Revelations cannot exist without Faith.
The inner sensorium is called ecstacy.
The inhabitants of Jesus Christ are known by the names of Angels and Spirits.
In the best man the seven powers of the spirit are still closed.
Adam was made mortal from eating the fruit of the Tree of Good & Evil."
Letter V
"Man is unhappy about being made out of destructible matter.
Leaders are sometimes weak to the same passions and prejudices.
Man is the same weak man through out the ages.
Gluten is the body of sin.
Violent expansion - Pride
Contraction - Avarice, Self-Will, Selfishness
Repulsion - Rage and Anger
Circular Movements - Levity and Incontinence
Accentricity - Greediness - Drunkeness
Concentricity - Envy Essence - Sloth
We become flesh, hence the unhappiness of man.
"The Royal Priestly Science is that of Regeneration. It is called Sacerdotal because it sanctifies and brings all to perfection, spreading blessing and goodness everywhere."
"Melchizadek was the first Priest King; all true Priests of God and of Nature descend from him, and Jesus Christ himself was united with him as "Priest" after the Order of Melchizadek."
Christ blood revitalized the Earth so that it could bare a Tree of Life to make men Immortal again.(This is the Author's view on the matter.)"
Letter VI
"To be born simply means to enter into a world in which the senses dominate."
"To be reborn means to return to a world where the spirit of wisdom and love governs..."
A person can only be reborn if he puts in practice the principle of truth becoming the object for his doing.
Letter's I and II
"Transcedental truth can only be understood by those who possess the proper sensorium.
The Full Man is degraded from this sensorium which blinds Spiritual Truth from him.
Men who possess this Spiritual Sensorium are Immortal.
"1st Level of Sensorium Initiation" : Inspiration
"2nd Level of Sensorium Initiation": Illumination
"3rd Level of Sensorium Initiation": Vision
Spirit connects with physical corruptible matter to render it incorruptible by influence.
It is said that "blind" Scientists cannot understand initiation. They can only measure the supernatural by the natural physical senses. They cannot explain the reality of Love, Spirit or of the Deity by natural reason. The Light of Spirit requires Faith (That is to say that only devout believers in Jesus Christ can become initiated. Although remember the A.'.A.'. has their own system of Initiation into this Light.)
The Spiritual Truth is often veiled in Symbolism.
There is a group, the Elect, of God who have been here since the first day of creation.
Exterior worship is for those incapable of handling the light.
Men enter by degrees into the mystery of light, by ceremonies in order to understand it.
The symbols of external worship are symbolized in three fundamental relations - the full, the reconciliation and the complete atonement.
External Religion is to initiate and connect man with God once more.
The external Church is visible, the interior Church is invisible having to govern all.
The Sanctuary remains changeless even though external religion receives modification.
The interior community, those capable of receiving light are known as the Communion of Saints.
All men are called, the called may be chosen if they become ripe for entrance."
Letter III
"The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary is our weakness to behold it.
God has no mysteries, they are simply veiled by the Cloud."
Letter IV
"There is only one single truth that unites all in one.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an object of faith, but can become experimental knowledge.
(It is a reposition; Religion unites Man with God)
The doctrine of reunions: The first is the knowledge of the correct means of union. The Second is by these means should be suitably coordinated to the end.
Revelations cannot exist without Faith.
The inner sensorium is called ecstacy.
The inhabitants of Jesus Christ are known by the names of Angels and Spirits.
In the best man the seven powers of the spirit are still closed.
Adam was made mortal from eating the fruit of the Tree of Good & Evil."
Letter V
"Man is unhappy about being made out of destructible matter.
Leaders are sometimes weak to the same passions and prejudices.
Man is the same weak man through out the ages.
Gluten is the body of sin.
Violent expansion - Pride
Contraction - Avarice, Self-Will, Selfishness
Repulsion - Rage and Anger
Circular Movements - Levity and Incontinence
Accentricity - Greediness - Drunkeness
Concentricity - Envy Essence - Sloth
We become flesh, hence the unhappiness of man.
"The Royal Priestly Science is that of Regeneration. It is called Sacerdotal because it sanctifies and brings all to perfection, spreading blessing and goodness everywhere."
"Melchizadek was the first Priest King; all true Priests of God and of Nature descend from him, and Jesus Christ himself was united with him as "Priest" after the Order of Melchizadek."
Christ blood revitalized the Earth so that it could bare a Tree of Life to make men Immortal again.(This is the Author's view on the matter.)"
Letter VI
"To be born simply means to enter into a world in which the senses dominate."
"To be reborn means to return to a world where the spirit of wisdom and love governs..."
A person can only be reborn if he puts in practice the principle of truth becoming the object for his doing.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Excerpt from "An Account of A.'.A.'."
This is just a text so you can see how the A.'.A.'. have basically the same powers as The Christian Melchizadeks. (You can learn about the Illuminated society of the Melchizadek's by reading "The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary" This "An Account of A.'.A.'." is about the Illuminated Society of Thelema.)
IT is necessary, my dear brothers, to give you a clear idea of the interior Order; of that illuminated community which is scattered throughout the world, but which is governed by one truth and united in one spirit.
This community possesses a School, in which all who thirst for knowledge are instructed by the Spirit of Wisdom itself; and all the mysteries of nature are preserved in this school for the children of light. Perfect knowledge of nature and of humanity is taught in this school. It is from her that all truths penetrate into the world; she is the school of all who search for wisdom, and it is in this community alone that truth and the explantation of all mystery are to be found. It is the most hidden of communities, yet it contains members from many circles; nor is there any Centre of Thought whose activity is not due to the presence of one of ourselves. From all time there has been an exterior school based on the interior one, of which it is but the outer expression. From all time, therefore, there has been a hidden assembly, a society of the Elect, of those who sought for and had capacity for light, and this interior society was the Axle of the R.O.T.A. All that any external order possesses in symbol, ceremony, or rite is the letter expressive outwardly of that spirit of truth which dwelleth in the interior Sanctuary. Nor is the contradiction of the exterior any bar to the harmony of the interior.
Hence this Sanctuary, composed of members widely scattered indeed but united by the bonds of perfect love, has been occupied from the earliest ages in building the grand Temple (through the evolution of humanity) by which the reign of L.V.X. will be manifest. This society is in the communion of those who have most capacity for light; they are united in truth, and their Chief is the Light of the World himself, V.V.V.V.V., the One Anointed in Light, the single teacher for the human race, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
The interior Order was formed immediately after the first perception of man's wider heritage had dawned upon the first of the adepts; it received from the Masters at first-hand the revelation of the means by which humanity could be raised to its rights and delivered from its misery. It received the primitive charge of all revelation and mystery; it received the key of true science, both divine and natural.
But as men multiplied, the frailty of man necessitated an exterior society which veiled the interior one, and concealed the spirit and the truth in the letter, because many people were not capable of comprehending great interior truth. Therefore, interior truths were wrapped in external and perceptible ceremonies, so that men, by the perception of the outer which is the symbol of the interior, might by degrees be enabled safely to approach the interior spiritual truths.
But the inner truth has always been confided to him who in his day had the most capacity for illumination, and he became the sole guardian of the original Trust, as High Priest of the Sanctuary.
When it became necessary that interior truths should be enfolded in exterior ceremony and symbol, on account of the real weakness of men who were not capable of hearing the Light of Light, then exterior worship began. It was, however, always the type or symbol of the interior, that is to say, the symbol of the true and Secret Sacrament." - An Account of A.'.A.'.
If you want to learn more about this Illuminated Society try going to one of their websites here:
Once a person joins an Illuminated Society they eventually learn to master Immortality as it mentions on "Cloud Upon the Sanctuary" which "An Account of A.'.A.'." is the Thelema version of.
"In very simple words the author puts before us the achievement of the individual man in the greatest work that can be
done on earth, the conscious possession of God- known and taught in the Eastern School,equally, that of the entering in of finite mortal man into Omniscience, Immortality, and Infinity." - Translator's Note "Cloud Upon the Sanctuary"
The Description of "An Account of A.'.A'." on Liber 207 is as follows:
An account of A∴ A∴ first written in the language of his period by the Councillor Von Eckartshausen, and now revised and rewritten in the Universal Cipher. {48}
An elementary suggestive account of the work of the Order in its relation to the average man. The preliminary paper of M∴ M∴ M∴ may be classed with this." - Liber 207
The one written by "Councillor Von Eckartshausen" is "The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary".
IT is necessary, my dear brothers, to give you a clear idea of the interior Order; of that illuminated community which is scattered throughout the world, but which is governed by one truth and united in one spirit.
This community possesses a School, in which all who thirst for knowledge are instructed by the Spirit of Wisdom itself; and all the mysteries of nature are preserved in this school for the children of light. Perfect knowledge of nature and of humanity is taught in this school. It is from her that all truths penetrate into the world; she is the school of all who search for wisdom, and it is in this community alone that truth and the explantation of all mystery are to be found. It is the most hidden of communities, yet it contains members from many circles; nor is there any Centre of Thought whose activity is not due to the presence of one of ourselves. From all time there has been an exterior school based on the interior one, of which it is but the outer expression. From all time, therefore, there has been a hidden assembly, a society of the Elect, of those who sought for and had capacity for light, and this interior society was the Axle of the R.O.T.A. All that any external order possesses in symbol, ceremony, or rite is the letter expressive outwardly of that spirit of truth which dwelleth in the interior Sanctuary. Nor is the contradiction of the exterior any bar to the harmony of the interior.
Hence this Sanctuary, composed of members widely scattered indeed but united by the bonds of perfect love, has been occupied from the earliest ages in building the grand Temple (through the evolution of humanity) by which the reign of L.V.X. will be manifest. This society is in the communion of those who have most capacity for light; they are united in truth, and their Chief is the Light of the World himself, V.V.V.V.V., the One Anointed in Light, the single teacher for the human race, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
The interior Order was formed immediately after the first perception of man's wider heritage had dawned upon the first of the adepts; it received from the Masters at first-hand the revelation of the means by which humanity could be raised to its rights and delivered from its misery. It received the primitive charge of all revelation and mystery; it received the key of true science, both divine and natural.
But as men multiplied, the frailty of man necessitated an exterior society which veiled the interior one, and concealed the spirit and the truth in the letter, because many people were not capable of comprehending great interior truth. Therefore, interior truths were wrapped in external and perceptible ceremonies, so that men, by the perception of the outer which is the symbol of the interior, might by degrees be enabled safely to approach the interior spiritual truths.
But the inner truth has always been confided to him who in his day had the most capacity for illumination, and he became the sole guardian of the original Trust, as High Priest of the Sanctuary.
When it became necessary that interior truths should be enfolded in exterior ceremony and symbol, on account of the real weakness of men who were not capable of hearing the Light of Light, then exterior worship began. It was, however, always the type or symbol of the interior, that is to say, the symbol of the true and Secret Sacrament." - An Account of A.'.A.'.
If you want to learn more about this Illuminated Society try going to one of their websites here:
Once a person joins an Illuminated Society they eventually learn to master Immortality as it mentions on "Cloud Upon the Sanctuary" which "An Account of A.'.A.'." is the Thelema version of.
"In very simple words the author puts before us the achievement of the individual man in the greatest work that can be
done on earth, the conscious possession of God- known and taught in the Eastern School,equally, that of the entering in of finite mortal man into Omniscience, Immortality, and Infinity." - Translator's Note "Cloud Upon the Sanctuary"
The Description of "An Account of A.'.A'." on Liber 207 is as follows:
An account of A∴ A∴ first written in the language of his period by the Councillor Von Eckartshausen, and now revised and rewritten in the Universal Cipher. {48}
An elementary suggestive account of the work of the Order in its relation to the average man. The preliminary paper of M∴ M∴ M∴ may be classed with this." - Liber 207
The one written by "Councillor Von Eckartshausen" is "The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary".
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