Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is an old apocryphal book which reminds me of the symbols between Horus' Wings and Hathor's Horns.

The Book of Enoch has part in the book where 199 Angels fall from Heaven to come down and mate with women on Earth to beget them children.

Even More New Mathematical Discoveries using the Key of it All

666 in Roman Numerals is DCLXVI and 999 in Roman Numerals is CMXCIX.


All = 62
None = 62
Jupiter = 62

Julio = 35
Cesar = 81

God = 35
Hadit = 81

Julio = 100
God Hadit = 100

God = 46

God 46 + Julio 100 = 146
Martinez = 146

God 35 + Julio 35 = 70
Martinez = 70

146 + 70 = 216
Abrahadabra = 216

Abrahadabra = 81
Hadit = 81
Cesar = 81

Cesar = 54
Law = 54

Law = 27

27 + 27 = 54

Also another discovery:

Ra-Hoor-Khut = 146
Martinez = 146

Therefore my full name can be translated into

God Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khut Hathor

Julio Cesar Martinez Rodriguez

"[15] And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." Rev. 17

The waters upon which Babalon sits are multitudes of nations and tongues and are also the waters of Arlyvenarly Purification. This water ensure's the continuity of the multitudes of nations and tongues by making it fertile. The Beast 98 is the Island 98 upon where she rides which has Seven Hills which are the Seven Heads of the Beast.

"70. There is help & hope in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong! Then canst thou bear more joy. Be not animal; refine thy rapture! If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if thou love, exceed by delicacy; and if thou do aught joyous, let there be subtlety therein!" - Liber Legis