Friday, March 30, 2012

The 7 Headed Beast - An Actor

I have come unto the realization which of course should have been most obvious. It has become apparent that in order to truly master the 7 Head's of the Beast it would be important to know how to be a good Actor. This of course brought me to think upon a verse from our Holy Book, The Book of the Law:

"3. Every man and every woman is a star." - Liber Legis

These are the original post's about the 7 Head's of the Beast from "Most Important Blog 93 Posts":

The Seven Heads of the Beast

The Scarlet Beast upon which Babalon rides has Seven Heads. It is interesting to note that in the Qabbala are Seven Gods which represent the 7 Double Letters in Hebrew and the Seven Planets of the Ancients.

The 7 Planets
1. B The Magus - Mercury
2. G The High Priestess - Moon
3. H The Empress - Venus
10 .E Fortune - Jupiter
16. W Tower - Mars
19. D The Sun - Sun
21. J The Universe - Saturn

I figured these Seven Gods would be perfect for acting as the Seven Heads of the Beast.

Here is the practice from "Liber III vel Jugorvm" in which to use in order to achieve having Seven Heads:

"(b) By some device, such as the changing of thy ring from one finger to another, create in thyself two personalities, the thoughts of one being within entirely different limits from that of the other, the common ground being the necessities of life.2

Of thine own Ingenium devise others.

For instance, let A be a man of strong passions, skilled in the Holy Qabalah, a vegetarian, and a keen "reactionary" politician. Let B be a bloodless and ascetic thinker, occupied with business and family cares, an eater of meat, and a keen progressive politician. Let no thought proper to "A" arise when the ring is on the "B" finger, and vice versa." - Liber III vel Jugorvm

It may also be of help to use "Liber Astarte vel Berylli" to master each individual God of the Seven Planets.

The 7 Gods, The 7 Planets, The 7 Heads of the Beast

I've designed a Web Page with a collection of random images I found on Google Image Search. This Web Page is based on the 7 Gods of "The Stone of Gold". I've designed an experimental process of having the 7 Gods represent the 7 Heads of the Beast.

1. B = 10/17 The Magus - Mercury
18. C = 19/8 The Moon - Moon
3. H = 4/23 The Empress - Venus
10 . E = 11//16 Fortune - Jupiter
16. W = 17/10 Tower - Mars
19. D = 20/7 The Sun - Sun
21. J = 22/5 The Universe - Saturn

If you looks at Venus, Jupiter, and The Sun, it spells out "H E D".

I might make some adjustments to it later, but here it is for now:

If you click on either God, Planet, or Tarot Card it takes you to a free online encyclopedia page with an article about the particular subject.

I also made this image in honor of my new experiment:

Here is my original post on the 7 heads:

So far I've made a couple of notes on how to start off this experiment using the Ring of Liber III vel Jugorvm. If I wear my ring on one of these certain fingers I will invoke the qualities of that God and the attributes connected to it, so far this is just a start up of what I'm planning on doing, I might adjust it later:

Mercury - Mathematics, Qabballa - Left Pinky

Moon - Liber III vel Jugorvm, Control of Speech, Thought, Action - Left Middle

Venus - Love, Dating, Relationships - Left Index

Jupiter - Assort Attributes to Each God/Finger - Left Thumb

Mars - War, Quarrels, Disputes, Conflicts - Right Index

Sun - Blog 93, Gods of the Triple Aeon, Thelema in General - Right Middle

Saturn - Peace, Justice, Equality, Merry-making - Right Pinky

Recommended Liber: Liber Astarté vel Liber Berylli

Shakespeare Blog

Monday, March 26, 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012


des·o·late   [adj. des-uh-lit; v. des-uh-leyt] Show IPA adjective, verb, -lat·ed, -lat·ing.
barren or laid waste; devastated: a treeless, desolate landscape.
deprived or destitute of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited.
solitary; lonely: a desolate place.
having the feeling of being abandoned by friends or by hope; forlorn.
dreary; dismal; gloomy: desolate prospects.

Friday, March 23, 2012


I wanted to quote a couple of Thelemic Liber's I hadn't mentioned, so perhaps you guy's give them a read. They'll give you a clearer understanding on what the Law is about.

"Direct therefore now most closely thine attention to The Book of the Law itself. In It we find an absolute rule of life, and clear instruction in every emergency that may befall. What then are Its own directions for the fructification of That Ineffable Seed? Note, pray thee, the confidence with which we may proceed. “They shall gather my children into their fold; they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men.” They ‘shall’; there is no doubt. Therefore doubt not, but strike with all thy strength. Note also, pray thee, this word: “The Law is for all.” Do not therefore ‘select suitable persons’ in thy worldly wisdom; preach openly the Law to all men. In Our experience We have found that the most unlikely means have produced the best results; and indeed it is almost the definition of a true Magical Formula that the means should be unsuited, rationally speaking, to the end proposed. Note, pray thee, that We are bound to teach. “He must teach; but he may make severe the ordeals.” This refers, however, as is evident from the context, to the technique of the new Magick, “the mantras and spells; the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand and the work of the sword.”

Note, pray thee, the instruction in CCXX I:41-n-44, 51, 61, 63 k.t.l. on which We have enlarged in Our tract The Law of Liberty, and in private letters to thee and to others. The open preaching of this Law, and the practice of these precepts, will arouse discussion and animosity, and thus place thee upon a rostrum whence thou mayst speak unto the people.

Note, pray thee, this mentor: “Remember ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but shadows; they pass and are done; but there is that which remains.” For this doctrine shall comfort many. Also there is this word: “They shall rejoice, our chosen; who sorroweth is not of us. Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious languor, force and fire, are of us.” Indeed in all ways thou mayest expound the joy of our Law; nay, for thou shalt overflow with the joy thereof, and have no need of words. It would moreover be impertinent and tedious to call again thine attention to all those passages that thou knowest so well. Note, pray thee, that in the matter of direct instruction there is enough. Consider the passage “Choose ye an island! Fortify it! Dung it about with enginery of war! I will give you a war-engine. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! This is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house.” The last phrase suggests that the island may be Great Britain, with its Mines and Tanks; and it is notable that a certain brother obligated to A∴A∴ is in the most secret of England’s War Councils at this hour. But it is possible that all this instruction refers to some later time when our Law, administered by some such Order as the O.T.O. which concerns itself with temporal affairs, is of weight in the councils of the world, and is challenged by the heathen, and by the followers of the fallen gods and demigods." - Liber 300


I AM OFTEN ASKED why I begin my letters in this way. No matter whether I am writing to my lady or to my butcher, always I begin with these eleven words. Why, how else should I begin? What other greeting could be so glad? Look, brother, we are free! Rejoice with me, sister, there is no law beyond Do what thou wilt!


I WRITE this for those who have not read our Sacred book, The Book of the Law, or for those who, reading it, have somehow failed to understand its perfection. For there are many matters in this Book, and the Glad Tidings are now here, now there, scattered throughout the Book as the Stars are scattered through the field of Night. Rejoice with me, all ye people! At the very head of the Book stands the great charter of our godhead: “Every man and every woman is a star.” We are all free, all independent, all shining gloriously, each one a radiant world. Is not that good tidings?

Then comes the first call of the Great Goddess Nuit, Lady of the Starry Heaven, who is also Matter in its deepest metaphysical sense, who is the infinite in whom all we live and move and have our being. Hear Her first summons to us men and women: “Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love! I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.” Later She explains the mystery of sorrow: “For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.”

“This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.”

It is shown later how this can be, how death itself is an ecstasy like love, but more intense, the reunion of the soul with its true self.

And what are the conditions of this joy, and peace, and glory? Is ours the gloomy asceticism of the Christian, and the Buddhist, and the Hindu? Are we walking in eternal fear lest some “sin” should cut us off from “grace”? By no means.

“Be goodly therefore: dress ye all in fine apparel; eat rich foods and drink sweet wines and wines that foam! Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where, and with whom ye will! But always unto me.”

This is the only point to bear in mind, that every act must be a ritual, an act of worship, a sacrament. Live as the kings and princes, crowned and uncrowned, of this world, have always lived, as masters always live; but let it not be self-indulgence; make your self- indulgence your religion.

When you drink and dance and take delight, you are not being “immoral,” you are not “risking your immortal soul”; you are fulfilling the precepts of our holy religion--provided only that you remember to regard your actions in this light. Do not lower yourself and destroy and cheapen your pleasure by leaving out the supreme joy, the consciousness of the Peace that passeth understanding. Do not embrace mere Marian or Melusine; she is Nuit Herself, specially concentrated and incarnated in a human form to give you infinite love, to bid you taste even on earth the Elixir of Immortality. “But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth: ever To me! To me!”" - Liber 837

I wanted to recommend this website, you can find the entire collection of Libri here:

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Thelemic Holy Season

As you all may know, our Thelemic New Year is just right around the corner. March 20 is going to mark the New Year on our Golden Calendar. We're about to reach the year 108.

52 + 56 = 108

Refer to this page for more info on the Thelemic Holy Season:

Friday, March 16, 2012

The King of Britain

I feel like I was born with Elizabeth as my sister though after we went on extravagant travel's throughout the Universe conquering everything within our path and stuff like that. This started making me realize the mystery of the perfection of the Key of it All and the mystery as to how I was discoverer of.

This somehow happened during Schizophrenia 192 Magick though while I was desperately trying to survive the vicious attacks from the voices. I feel like I somehow must have programmed myself to go through this Schizophrenia 192 journey over again so I could accidentally as it seems remember who I am and how I did it.

This is just a story I wrote, it's all just freestyle I don't feel like editing. It's just like a draft not the final product at all, I just figured I'd post it as soon as possible though as I am posting all of my ideas as soon they come.

It's not edited or fixed by the way I just wrote it as it came to me so it's not that greatly written just freestyle written in the midst of my ventures...

(Remember it's not edited at all.)

Naked lonely cold and wanting
A virgin nymph
Skin fair and blonde hair
Catching my attention
A naked Princess
By the water well
On a lonely green pasture
Awaiting or so it seems
The affection of one
Who by watching shouldst
Come to her delight

In the fieriest
most dreadful days
Under Siege
A light was shed upon
My troubles in the form
Of a lonely and naked
Wanting nymph The Cavernous
and infinite portal of her
most sacred parts gives
one the thought of Nuit One, None
Goddess of All from the injustice
of a barely dawning reason upon
the beasts slow ere become man

A God was born

The fiery star that is my soul
Desperately fighting the cruel
injustice of the yells
A spreading cancer

Survival mechanisms fail

A King thereby fighting in order
to establish a good country
Now claiming reign over his
own land, strong and stable
with power
Now sitting upon his throne
Did bare himself a daughter

As time doth make the flowers grow
A time did come in which she now
Grown became wanting or so it seemed
For there was really no telling for her nakedness
But I in desperate wanting knowing who she was and what power she has

As a man in dieing of thirst within the desert does seek Oasis
was she naked and lone by the well

After then proclaiming her love
Did she succesor to a throne
Behead her Father
Shortly thereafter making me King
And so it was that the slaying didst begin

Desperate for power my Kingdom began
Ready for War
Until the Holy Universe was conquered

As all the nymphs do always long
Powerful also did I decide
To keep the Queen distracted but still in tact
as my most powerful weapon

The Book of the Law

A sacred bond never to brake no matter what
aught might ensue
Shall I always...
Remain... the King... of Britain

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Love is the Law, Love under Will.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Aquarius - Washing / Cleaning

I was meditating on the concept of Aquarius the other day and the rebirth rituals when I started to think about how it could represent cleanliness or washing which reminded me of "Godliness is cleanliness."

After that I started thinking about Asana and all the ither limbs of Yoga. It gave me a really good idea about the ideal type of image.

I figured that showering is like a daily Aquarius ritual which could be a symbol of rebirth.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How I Write My Posts

I know a lot of my post's sound kind of sloppy, but the thing is I just keep rushing to post all of this new information and new idea's that are coming in as I discover them like mysteries of life somehow.

I keep thinking as soon as the blog get's old enough I'm going to start proof reading a lot of stuff and organizing the blog a lot better than it is, because I'm really writing a lot of these ideas as fresh as they come just for the sake of putting out all this information I'm learning.

I keep thinking as soon as the blog is old enough I'll start going back and rewriting a lot of stuff just to make a lot neater. One of thing's is I just freestyle write all of my post's without proof reading. I just write as I think basically. Eventually though I'll get to organizing, proof reading, editing, and re writing a lot of thing's.

CAESAR the God