Thursday, April 25, 2013

BkII EpI:1-33 Introductory words to Augustus

Caesar, I would sin against the public good if I
Wasted your time with tedious chatter, since you
Bear the weight of such great affairs, guarding Italy
With armies, raising its morals, reforming its laws.
Romulus, Father Liber, and Pollux and Castor,
Were welcomed to the gods’ temples after great deeds,
But while they still cared for earth, and human kind
Resolved fierce wars, allocated land, founded cities,
They bemoaned the fact that the support they received
Failed to reflect their hopes or merit. Hercules crushed
The deadly Hydra, was fated to toil at killing fabled
Monsters, but found Envy only tamed by death at last.
He will dazzle with his brilliance, who eclipses talents
Lesser than his own: yet be loved when it’s extinguished.
We though will load you while here with timely honours,
Set up altars, to swear our oaths at, in your name,
Acknowledging none such has risen or will arise.
Yet this nation of yours, so wise and right in this,
In preferring you above Greek, or our own, leaders,
Judges everything else by wholly different rules
And means, despising and hating whatever it has
Not itself seen vanish from earth, and fulfil its time:
It so venerates ancient things that the Twelve Tables
Forbidding sin the Decemvirs ratified, mutual
Treaties our kings made with Gabii, or tough Sabines,
The Pontiffs’ books, the musty scrolls of the seers,
It insists the Muses proclaimed on the Alban Mount!
If, because each of the oldest works of the Greeks
Is still the best, we must weigh our Roman writers
On the same scales, that doesn’t require many words:
Then there’d be no stone in an olive, shell on a nut:
We’ve achieved fortune’s crown, we paint, make music,
We wrestle, more skilfully than the oily Achaeans.

BkI EpIII:1-36 To a friend campaigning with Tiberius

Julius Florus I’m anxious to know whereabouts
Augustus’ stepson Tiberius is campaigning.
Does Thrace entertain you, the Hebrus, constrained
By bonds of snow, the straits between the two towers,
Or Asia Minor with its fertile plains and hills?
What works are his learned staff penning? This too,
Who’s chosen to record Augustus’ initiatives?
Who’s proclaiming war and peace to distant ages?
What about Titius, soon to arrive on Roman lips?
He’s dared to disdain the common ponds and streams,
Unafraid of drinking from the Pindaric source.
How is he? Does he speak of me? Blessed by the Muse,
Does he work to fit Theban measures to Latin lyres,
Or is he raging and thundering in tragic mode?
What’s Celsus doing? He was warned, and he often
Needs warning, to depend more on inner resources,
And keep from fingering the books Apollo’s received
For the Palatine library, lest when the birds some day
Flock to reclaim their plumage, the little crow stripped
Of his stolen colours is jeered. And what do you dare?
What thyme do you buzz among? You’ve no small gift,
It’s not coarse, or uncultivated, or unsightly.
You’ll bear first prize, the victor’s ivy, whether you whet
Your tongue for the courts, or advise on civil law,
Or compose delightful verse. Yet if you could shed
Your care, that cold compress, you could travel
To the place where heavenly wisdom leads you.
Let us, great or small, further this task, these studies,
If we wish to be dear to our country and ourselves.
Reply concerning this too, do you care as much as
You should for Munatius: or does your friendship
Badly stitched, knit together in vain then tear apart?
Yet, whether it’s your hot blood or your inexperience
Spurs on you wild and untamed horses, and wherever
You may be, both too noble to break brotherhood’s bond,
A sacrificial heifer’s fattening, for your return.

End of Book I Epistle III

Horace: The Epistles

I wanted to post these verses by the famous latin poet, Horace, which make mentioning of Augustus Caesar and Tiberius Caesar.

Moving On

So I basically started to notice the murder of Gaius must have been similar to the way one country takes over another country such as when the Soviet Union replaced the Afghanistan President Amin with their own President Karmal in the 1979 - 1989 Soviet Afghan War or when Babylon replaced the King Jeconiah with Zedekiah in the Bible.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Excerpt from "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley"

This is an excerpt from "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley" Part I Chapter 17:

"The Cloud upon the Sanctuary told me of a secret community of saints in possession of every spiritual grace, of the keys to the treasurers of nature, and of moral emancipation such that there was no intolerance of unkindness. The members of this Church lived their secret life of sanctity in the world, radiating light and love upon all that came within their scope, yet they were free from spiritual pride. They enjoyed intimate communion with the immanent divine soul of nature. Inheritors of innocence and illumination, they were not self-seekers; and their one passion was to bring mankind into the sphere of their own sublimity, dealing with each individual as his circumstances required. To them the members of the Trinity were nearer and more real than anything else in the universe. But they were pure ideas of incorruptible integrity. The incarnation was a mystical or magical operation which took place in every man. Each was himself the Son of God who had assumed a body of flesh and blood in order to perform the work of redemption. The in-dwelling of the Holy Ghost was a sanctification resulting from the completion of the great work when the self had been crucified to itself and raised again in incorruptible immortality.

I did not yet see that this conception reposed on metaphysical bases as untenable as those of orthodoxy. There was no attempt to explain the origin of evil and similar difficulties. But these things were mysteries which would be revealed to the saint as he advanced in the way of grace. Anyhow, I was certainly not the person to cavil. The sublimity of the idea enthralled me; it satisfied my craving for romance and poetry. I determined with my whole heart to make myself worthy to attract the notice of this mysterious brotherhood. I yearned passionately for illumination. I could imagine nothing more exquisite than to enter into communion with these holy men and to acquire the power of communicating with the angelic and divine intelligence of the universe. I longed for perfect purity of life, for mastery of the secret forces of nature, and for a career of devoted labour on behalf of "the Creation which groaneth and travaileth".

My poetry at this time is charged to the highest point with these aspirations. I may mention the dedication to Songs of the Spirit, "The Quest", "The Alchemist", "The Philosopher's Progress", "A Spring Snowstorm in WAstdale", "Succubus", "Nightfall", "The Storm", "Wheat and Wine", "Vespers",


"Astrology" and "Daedalus". In "the Farewell of Paracelsus to Aprile", "The Initiation", "Isaiah" and "Power", I have expressed my ideas about the ordeals which might be expected on the Path. All these poems were published in 1898. In later volumes, Mysteries Lyrical and Dramatic, The Fatal Force, The Temple of the Holy Ghost and Tannhäuser, these ideas are carried further in the light of my practical experience of the Path.

It may seem strange that, despite the yearning after sanctification, which is the keynote of these works, I never lost sight of what seems on the surface the incompatible idea of justification by sin. "Jezebel" and the other poems in that volume prove this point. It is as if my unconscious were aware that every act is a sacrament and that the most repulsive rituals might be in some ways the most effective. The only adequate way of overcoming evil was to utilize it fully as a means of grace. Religion was for me a passionate reality of the most positive kind. Virtue is etymologically manhood. Virility, creative conception and enthusiastic execution were the means of attainment. There could be no merit in abstention from vice. Vice indeed is vitium, a flaw or defect.

This attitude is not antinomianism, as the word is usually understood. When St. Paul said, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient", he only went half way. One ought to leave no form of energy to rust. Every particle of one's personality is a necessary factor in the equation and every impulse must be turned to account in the Great Work. I perceived, moreover, that all conventional rules of conduct were valid only in relation to environment. To take a fundamental issue: selfpreservation. On the theory of reincarnation or that of immortality, there should be no more objection to dying than there is to going to sleep. In any case, I realized that my physical life was utterly valueless; and I did not set it at a pin's fee.

I have never been afraid of carrying into effect my conclusions; and I knew, what is more, that to fail to do so would be merely to create a conflict in myself. I had a thorough instinctive understanding of the theory of psychoanalysis. The this fact I attribute my extraordinary success in all my spiritual undertakings, From the very beginning I made a point of carrying out the instructions of one of the old Grimoires "to buy a black egg without haggling". I always understood that spiritual and material wealth were incommensurable. If I wanted a book on Magick and it was offered me for ten times the proper price, I would buy it on the spot, even though I knew that I had only to go round the corner to find an honest tradesman.

I did this sort of thing on purpose to affirm magically that nothing mattered except the work of the moment. It was "Take not thought for the morrow" carried out in its most literal sense. I made a point of putting God on His honour, so to speak, to supply anything I might need by demonstrating to


him that I would not keep back the least imaginable fraction of my resources. I acquired this custom later on, when I had definitely discovered the direction of my destiny; but the moral basis of my attitude was already present. The first important indication of its incidence is given by the outcome of my friendship with Pollitt.

He was in residence during the Easter term of 1898 and we saw each other almost every day. In the vacation he accompanied me to Wastdale Head and used to walk with me over the fells, thought I could never persuade him to do any rock climbing.

I was absorbed in The Cloud upon the Sanctuary, reading it again and again without being put off by the pharisaical, priggish and pithecanthropoid notes of its translator, Madame de Steiger. I appealed with the whole force of my will to the adepts of the Hidden Church to prepare me as postulant for their august company. As will be seen later, acts of will, performed by the proper person, never fall to the ground, impossible as it is (at present) to understand by what means the energy is transmitted." - Aleister Crowley "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley"

To read the entire Book go here:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The Education of Achilles

The Precepts of Chiron from Miscellany, Hesiod


Plutarch de Orac. defectu ii. 415 C:
"A chattering crow lives out nine generations of aged men, but a stag's life is four times a crow's, and a raven's life makes three stags old, while the phoenix outlives nine ravens, but we, the rich-haired Nymphs, daughters of Zeus the aegis-holder, outlive ten phoenixes."

Tribute Penny

Tribute penny

Emperor Tiberius Denarius - Commonly refer to as the Tribute Penny.
The tribute penny was the coin that was shown to Jesus when he made his famous speech "Render unto Caesar..." The phrase comes from the King James Version of the gospel account: Jesus is asked, "Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?" (Mark 12:14) and he replies, "bring me a penny, that I may see it" (Mark 12:15).

The Greek text uses the word dēnarion, and it is usually thought that the coin was a Roman denarius with the head of Tiberius. It is this coin that is sold and collected as the "tribute penny," and the Gospel story is an important factor in making this coin attractive to collectors. The inscription reads “Ti[berivs] Caesar Divi Avg[vsti] F[ilivs] Avgvstvs” (“Caesar Augustus Tiberius, son of the Divine Augustus”), claiming that Augustus was a god. The reverse shows a seated female, usually identified as Livia depicted as Pax.
However, it has been suggested that denarii were not in common circulation in Judaea during Jesus' lifetime and that the coin may have instead been an Antiochan tetradrachmbearing the head of Tiberius, with Augustus on the reverse. Another suggestion often made is the denarius of Augustus with Caius and Lucius on the reverse, while coins of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and Germanicus are all considered possibilities.
A similar episode occurs in the Gospel of Thomas (verse 100), but there the coin in question is gold. -

The Pharisees: Is It Lawful to Pay Taxes to Caesar?

"13 Then they sent to Him some of the Pharisees and the Herodians, to catch Him in His words. 14 When they had come, they said to Him, “Teacher, we know that You are true, and care about no one; for You do not regard the person of men, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? 15 Shall we pay, or shall we not pay?”
But He, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, “Why do you test Me? Bring Me a denarius that I may see it.” 16 So they brought it.
And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?” They said to Him, “Caesar’s.”
17 And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
And they marveled at Him." - Mark 12

Jesus Handed Over to Pontius Pilate

"23 Then the whole multitude of them arose and led Him to Pilate. 2 And they began to accuse Him, saying, “We found this fellow perverting the[a] nation, and forbidding to pay taxes to Caesar, saying that He Himself is Christ, a King.”
3 Then Pilate asked Him, saying, “Are You the King of the Jews?”
He answered him and said, “It is as you say.”
4 So Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowd, “I find no fault in this Man.”
5 But they were the more fierce, saying, “He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee to this place.” - Luke 23

9/11 Memorial Waterfalls

 If you look at this symbol closely The Star symbolizes Aquarius the Water Bearer as you can see the Astrological Symbol on the card on the bottom right hand corner.

The Hanged Man represent the Element of Water as you can see the upside down triangles which symbolize the symbol of water also on the bottom right hand corner of the card.

This is the Rider Waite version of The Star Trump.

After I made this symbol with the Tarot Cards of United States = 191 I suddenly noticed that the 9/11 Memorial or otherwise known as The Stele 718 had Waterfall Fountains inside the empty building squares.

April 10

Today is April 10, the 3rd day of the writing of The Book of the Law.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Stele of Revealing

The Red Dwarf Star

red dwarf is a small and relatively cool star on the main sequence, either late K or M spectral type. Red dwarfs range in mass from a low of 0.075 solar masses (the upper limit for a brown dwarf) to about 50% of the Sun and have a surface temperature of less than 4,000 K.
Red dwarfs are by far the most common type of star in the Milky Way galaxy, at least in the neighborhood of the Sun, but due to their low luminosity, individual red dwarfs cannot easily be observed. From Earth, not one is visible to the naked eye.[1] Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun, is a red dwarf (Type M5, apparent magnitude 11.05), as are twenty of the next thirty nearest.
Stellar models indicate that red dwarfs with less than 35% of the Sun's mass are fully convective.[2] Hence the helium produced by the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen is constantly remixed throughout the star, avoiding a buildup at the core. Red dwarfs therefore develop very slowly, having a constant luminosity and spectral type for, in theory, some trillions of years, until their fuel is depleted. Because of the comparatively short age of the universe, no red dwarfs of advanced evolutionary stages exist. -

Red Solar Systems

Determining the habitability of red dwarf systems could help reveal the likelihood of extraterrestrial life, as red dwarfs make up most stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. While the relatively little energy output, small habitable zones, probability of tidally locked planets, and high stellar variation are postulated impediments to habitability, the ubiquity and longevity of red dwarfs are possible positive factors.
As of 2012, many factors appear to indicate that many red dwarfs, smaller than 30% of Sun's mass,[1] have a very low probability for hosting indigenous life. Planets in the habitable zone of most red dwarfs would experience such a strong tidal heating that the hydrogen necessary for water and all known life would be 'baked out' of the planets before a stable orbit could be achieved, creating so-called 'Tidal Venuses'.[2] Combined with other problems, such as those created by tidal locking, the variable radiation of red dwarfs, lack of planetary axial tilts,[3] small habitable zones due to low energy output, different spectral energy distribution than the Sun (lacking ultraviolet and visible light), etc., this would indicate that the probability of red dwarf stars hosting life as we know it is very low compared to other star types. [2] However, this does not mean that the planets around red dwarfs are 'uninhabitable' (could not be inhabited by future humans or other non-indigenous life).
A recent estimate put the number of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones of red dwarf stars in our galaxy to number in the tens of billions.[4] So although very improbable, the sheer number of red dwarf planets might overcome the limitations of red dwarf systems, and further scientific research and insights into astrobiology may also increase the odds of finding life around M-class stars. -

The Winged Solar Disk

Superman - Red Sun

April 9

In other News.

Today on April 9 we celebrate the 2nd day of the writing of The Book of the Law of Chapter 2.

The Koran - 30. The Romans

I was doing some casual research on the Koran when I came up on Chapter 30 called "The Byzantines" or "The Romans".

"Muhsin Khan

Alif-Lam-Mim. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings].

The Romans have been defeated.


In the nearer land (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious.


Within three to nine years. The decision of the matter, before and after (these events) is only with Allah, (before the defeat of Romans by the Persians, and after, i.e. the defeat of the Persians by the Romans). And on that Day, the believers (i.e. Muslims) will rejoice (at the victory given by Allah to the Romans against the Persians),


With the help of Allah, He helps whom He wills, and He is the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.


(It is) a Promise of Allah (i.e. Allah will give victory to the Romans against the Persians), and Allah fails not in His Promise, but most of men know not." - 30 The Romans, The Koran

Monday, April 8, 2013

Adam & Eve

Were Adam and Eve slaves? Having dispelled the entire Illusion on what is God... A Human... Was their a society behind "God / YHVH" concerned on creating a new Race starting with Adam and Eve?

Adam was tempted by the Snake.

Was the Snake a Morphing Shape Shifting God?

Aesculapius was a Snake Morpher.

This although might be strange, but Jews were slaves in Egypt.

Is it certain now that we've come this far

God Is only Man

There is no God, but Man.

Was the Snake a God in Animal Form

Who were the Gods behind Adam and Eve

Were they "Virgin Slaves" living in a blind Utopia such as in the famous novel "The Giver"

Simple thoughts wandering within my head...

In Spirit of April 8 - A Word on the Law

18. Mercy let be off: damn them who pity! Kill and torture; spare not;
be upon them! - Liber Legis

24. The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a
child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of
the priest or of the worshipers: last of some beast, no matter what. - Liber Legis

Ever since as I mentioned Caesar the God - Meta meets Bible, to be honest that's when I had figured we could perhaps finally destroy The Book of the Law and form a new tradition solely based on Caesar - Meta / Bible. 

Considering 7/18/97 though I denied this could be the case and have decided to not go through with it. Also of course we can't forget Julio Cesar = God Hadit, Julio Cesar = The Son of the Beast, and The Key of it All.

Caesar the God - The Son of the Beast (Slightly coming from different ways.)


19. That stele they shall call the Abomination of Desolation; count
well its name, & it shall be to you as 718.

20. Why? Because of the fall of Because, that he is not there again.

21. Set up my image in the East: thou shalt buy thee an image which I
will show thee, especial, not unlike the one thou knowest. And it
shall be suddenly easy for thee to do this. - Liber Legis

If 7/18 is 9/11

Queen Elizabeth I / King James I - Pointing to Slavery? - Theories

There was something also I had been putting off mentioning by the way. There is seemingly hidden symbol over the formula I devised with the Crucifixion / Resurrection. 

Something I hadn't mentioned is Queen Elizabeth and King James could have very likely have been Pioneers in American Black Slavery and the Colonization of America with Black Slavery.

Enslave Jews / Christians ?

Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called "The Virgin Queen", "Gloriana" or "Good Queen Bess", Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. The daughter of Henry VIII, she was born a princess, but her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed two and a half years after her birth, and Elizabeth was declared illegitimate. Her half-brother, Edward VI, bequeathed the crown to Lady Jane Grey, cutting his two half-sisters, Elizabeth and the Catholic Mary, out of the succession in spite of statute law to the contrary. His will was set aside, Mary became queen, and Lady Jane Grey was executed. In 1558, Elizabeth succeeded her half-sister, during whose reign she had been imprisoned for nearly a year on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels. -

Elizabeth I's successor is King James VI / I

James VI and I (19 June 1566 – 27 March 1625) was King of Scotland as James VI from 24 July 1567 and King of England andIreland as James I from the union of the English and Scottish crowns on 24 March 1603 until his death. The kingdoms of England andScotland were individual sovereign states, with their own parliaments, judiciary, and laws, though both were ruled by James in personal union. -

British America refers to the territories under the control of the Crown in present day North America (including Bermuda),Central America, the Caribbean, and GuyanaColonial America consisted of the English and later British Empire in continental North America in the 17th and 18th centuries. Formally, the British Colonies in North America were known as British America[1] and the British West Indies until 1776, when the Thirteen British Colonies located along the Atlantic seaboard declared their independence and formed the United States of America. After that, British North America (or, simply but not inclusively, Canada) were used to describe the remainder of Britain's continental North American possessions. The term "British North America" was first used informally in 1783, but it was uncommon before the Report on the Affairs of British North America(1839), called the Durham Report. 

 - 1607–1625 King James I
 - 1625–1649 King Charles I
 - 1649–1660 Oliver Cromwell and Richard Cromwell
 - 1660–1685 King Charles II
 - 1685–1688 King James II
 - 1689–1694 King William and Queen Mary
 - 1702–1707 and 1707–1714 Queen Anne of England and of Great Britain
 - 1714–1727 King George I
 - 1727–1760 King George II

- Virginia Colony 1607
- New England 1620
- King Charles II charter for Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 1663
- Rupert's Land 1670
- Treaty of Utrecht 1713
- Treaty of Paris 1783

The Thirteen Colonies were the British colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America founded between 1607 (Virginia) and 1733 (Georgia). They began collaborating at the Albany Congress of 1754 to demand their rights and set up a Continental Congress that declared independence in 1776 and formed the states of the United States of America

Slaves imported into Colonial America
Years Number[7]
1620–1700  21,000
1701–1760 189,000
1761–1770  63,000
1771–1790  56,000
1791–1800  79,000
1801–1810 124,000[8]
1810–1865  51,000
Total 597,000

Sunday, April 7, 2013

How to Morph

Question - How to Morph

It's still something we haven't achieved in learning how to do. I look for clues to try and figure it out. What I can see is Infidelity - Sex - Rape. 

Io turns into a Heifer from being caught int he act with Jupiter

Callisto turns into a bear when she gets into a cat fight over Jupiter. 

Have morphings ever been documented or reported on. Not to my knowledge. 

There is an author who I delved into recently named David Icke which talks about Serpent / Dragon worshiping cults with several Governmental figures and very rich families involved. 

Could these conspiracies of Reptilian Shapeshifting and Dragon Serpent worshiping cults be talking about the same Phenomenon as Aesculapius shifting into a giant celestial snake?

Still much to discover... 

Caesar the God & The Son of the Beast

Caesar the God

Caesar the God - Meta meets Bible

Roman Emperor Tiberius


The Key of it All - The Son of the Beast

Ninety Three = Julio Martinez = 181

Julio Cesar = The Son of the Beast = 77 + 77 = 154


Murder Gaius have and have Tiberius take over?

According to Wikipedia Augustus Caesar ordered for them to have Caesarion who was Gaius Julius Caesar's biological son who he had with Cleopatra murdered. So was Augustus in on Gaius Julius Caesar's death as well or should he be an avenger.

I find myself contorting the story in my head sometimes.


I was mistaken about a couple of things, it actually says... Well Jupiter tells Augustus to be the Avenger of his Father Julius Caesar's Death.

The Greek Gods move to Rome. Aesculapius the Dragon moves to Rome, they Kill Caesar and tell Augustus to avenge his murder. Right after the Greek Gods move into Rome.

 Tiberius is to be responsible for Julius Caesar's duties and responsibilities.

So if the Greek Pantheon murdered Julius Caesar. Greek God versus Roman.

Was the Crucifixion of Christ vengeance upon God / Divinity for having been murdered by the Gods?

Aesculapius Moves to Rome

The Romans are suffering from a Plague... They come and ask the Greek Elders for help. They go to the God Phoebus / Apollo, he tells them to go to his son Aesculapius. Aesculapius comes to the Romans sort of in a dream while they're asleep and tells them that he will morph in a Snake as is on his staff such as the way a Celestial Body would change. I assumed he was talking about turning into a Dragon. He turns into a giant Celestial Snake with a huge crest. He decides to move to Rome, Italy from Epidaurus, Greece to help the Romans with the plague as a Dragon. He decides to land on Tiber Island of the Tiber River in Rome, there is where the Romans build him a temple, the Temple of Aesculapius.

It is shortly hereafter when The Greek Gods decide to help the Romans in Italy that Julius Caesar is assasinated. The Greek Gods instead of helping the Roman Julius Caesar let him get murdered, do not change him into a star and just turn him into a Comet.

Here are some of the Notes I took down from rereading this part.


The Italians from Latium came to Delphi to ask Phoebus for help about their plague. Phoebus / Apollo calls them Romans.

Phoebus is the character that once persued a girl named Daphne who turned into the Laurel tree when Phoebus tried to snatch her. It was then that Phoebus honored her with the Laurel Wreath.

Phoebus tells the Romans to ask his son for help.

Phoebus was also Father of Phaethon with Clymene.

The Latium / Romans / Italians went to Epidaurus, Greece to seek for help from the God / Phoebus's son that might prevent the extinction of the Ausonian / Latium / Roman /Italian race.

They begged the Greek elders for help. The Greek elders sought the Oracles and they became of various minds. Some thought that help could not be refused. 

"The majority recommended the god should be kept, and their own wealth not released, or surrendered."
"While they wavered, as dusk dispelled the lingering light, and darkness covered the countries of the earth with shadow, then, in your dreams, Aesculapius, god of healing, seemed to stand before your bed, Roman"
Aesculapius appeared to the Romans while they were sleeping.

" just as he is seen in his temple, holding a rustic staff in his left hand, and stroking his long beard with his right, and with a calm voice, speaking these words: ‘Have no fear! I will come, and I will leave a statue of myself behind. Take a good look at this snake, that winds, in knots, round my staff, and keep it in your sight continually, until you know it! I will change into this, but greater in size, seeming as great as a celestial body should be when it changes.’"

Aesculapius tells the Romans to look at the Snake on his staff. He  tells them he will turn into one be greater in size such as when a celestial body be when it changes. (I'm thinking he might turn into a Dragon.)
" When morning had put the bright stars to flight, the leaders, still unsure what to do, gathered at the temple complex of that god whom the Romans sought, and begged him to show them by some divine token where he himself wanted to live. They had hardly ceased speaking, when the golden god, in the likeness of a serpent with a tall crest, gave out a hiss as a harbinger of his presence, and by his coming, rocked the statue, the doors, the marble pavement, and the gilded roof. Then he stopped, in the middle of the temple, raising himself breast-high, and gazed round, with eyes flashing fire.

The Romans asked Aesculapius if he wanted to live in Rome.

    The terrified crowd trembled, but the priest, his sacred locks tied with a white band, knew the divine one, and cried: ‘The god, behold, it is the god! Restrain your minds and tongues, whoever is here! Let the sight of you, O most beautiful one, work for us, and help the people worshipping at your shrine!’ Whoever was there, worshipped the god, as they were told, and all re-echoed the priest’s words, and the Romans gave dutiful support, with mind and voice.

    The god nodded, and shook his crest, confirming his favour, by hissing three times in succession, with his flickering tongue. Then he glided down the gleaming steps, and turning his head backwards, gazed at the ancient altars he was abandoning, and saluted his accustomed house, and the temple where he had lived. From there the vast serpent slid over the flower-strewn ground, flexing his body, and made his way through the city centre to the harbour, protected by its curved embankment. He halted there, and, appearing to dismiss the dutiful throng, with a calm expression, settled his body down in the Ausonian ship."
He entered an Ausonian ship to move to Rome.

" Caïeta, named after her whom Aeneas her foster-son buried; " Might have been Creusa and Ascanius.

"Bk XV:745-842 The deification of Julius Caesar
Though Aesculapius came as a stranger to our temples, Caesar is a god in his own city. Outstanding in war or peace, it was not so much his wars that ended in great victories, or his actions at home, or his swiftly won fame, that set him among the stars, a fiery comet, as his descendant. There is no greater achievement among Caesar’s actions than that he stood father to our emperor."