Friday, May 31, 2013
Area code 718
North American area code 718 is a New York City telephone area code (overlaid by area codes 347 and 917) in the boroughs of the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, as well as the Marble Hill section of Manhattan.
At the time of its creation on September 1, 1984, the 718 code was assigned only to Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island; the Bronx and Marble Hill joined 718 in 1992. Manhattan cell phones may also use the 718 area code.
On December 16, 2009, the New York Public Service Commission approved an additional overlay of the 718/347 area code region.[1][2] On January 22, 2010, NeuStar-NANPA issued a press release (through PR-NewsWire) that 929 is to be the new area code to further overlay the New York City 718 and 347 area codes of boroughs outside Manhattan.[3] -
The Hanged Man

If you look closely you can notice a resemblance between The Hanged Man card and the 9/11 Memorial Waterfall's square shapes.
"The Thoth Tarot /ˌtoʊt ˈtæroʊ/ is a divinatory tarot deck painted by Lady Frieda Harris according to instructions from Aleister Crowley. Crowley referred to this deck as The Book of Thoth, and also wrote a book of that title intended for use with the deck.
Crowley originally intended the Thoth deck to be a six-month project aimed at updating the traditional pictorial symbolism of the tarot. However, the project was to span five years, between 1938 and 1943, as its scope grew ever wider. Crowley and Harris were meticulous in their work, and Harris painted some of the cards as many as eight times.The current edition of the U.S. Games Systems deck contains two prototypes of The Magus card as painted by Lady Harris, each making use of markedly different style and symbols. These were never intended to be a part of the deck proper but were completed by Lady Harris but rejected by Crowley. They are included as a bonus treat for aficionados of the deck. Neither Harris nor Crowley lived to see the deck published. The first full publication was by Ordo Templi Orientis in 1969, although this initial printing was seen by many to be of inferior quality, and in 1977 Harris' paintings were rephotographed for a second edition. A further update with new photography took place in 1986, while the current edition is based on a revision of this update which was first printed in 1996." -
The Holy Tablet
HVLYH = YHVH + L = 56
(Hebrew Qabbala)
HVLY - Holy
GOLD - Gold
SYLVHR - Silver
CRHVLY - Crowley
HVLYH - Julio
I just got done experimenting with the HVLYH Tablet where you can make out the words Gold, Silver, and Crowley.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
"Then we came out into the Third (or Eighth, it depends which way you count them, because there are ten) House, and that was so splendid you can't imagine. In the first place it was a bright, bright, bright, orange colour, and then it had flashes of light all over it, going so fast we couldn't see them, and then there was the sound of the sea and one could look through into the deep, and there was the ocean raging beneath one's feet, and strong dolphins riding on it and crying aloud, "Holy! Holy! Holy!" in such an ecstasy you can't think, and rolling and playing for sheer joy." - The Wake World
"And the ring of the horizon above her is a company of glorious Archangels with joined hands, that stand and sing: This is the daughter of BABALON the Beautiful, that she hath borne unto the Father of All. And unto all hath she borne her.
This is the Daughter of the King. This is the Virgin of Eternity. This is she that the Holy One hath wrested from the Giant Time, and the prize of them that have overcome Space. This is she that is set upon the Throne of Understanding. Holy, Holy, Holy is her name, not to be spoken among men. For Kore they have called her, and Malkuth, and Betulah, and Persephone.
And the poets have feigned songs about her, and the prophets have spoken vain things, and the young men have dreamed vain dreams; but this is she, that immaculate, the name of whose name may not be spoken. Thought cannot pierce the glory that defendeth her, for thought is smitten dead before her presence. Memory is blank, and in the most ancient books of Magick are neither words to conjure her, nor adorations to praise her. Will bends like a reed in the temptests that sweep the borders of her kingdom, and imagination cannot figure so much as one petal of the lilies whereon she standeth in the lake of crystal, in the sea of glass." - The Call of the 9th Aethyr Called ZIP, Liber 418 The Vision and the Voice
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
English - The Roman Latin Alphabet
"A Latin-derived alphabet is an alphabet that uses letters from the Latin script, which comprises the original Roman Latin alphabet and various extensions. Extension can be by adding diacritics to existing letters, joining multiple letters together to make ligatures, creating completely new forms, or assigning a special function to pairs or triplets of letters." -
I was doing some meditating on The Key of it All and Julio Cesar the Emperor of Rome / Julio Cesar = God Hadit = 116, Ninety Three = Julio Martinez = 181, Julio Cesar = The Son of the Beast = 154 etc. when I started to remember that the entire English Alphabet was originally based on the Latin Alphabet which was devised in Rome.
I figured it must have been like clockwork as the English language periodically evolved from using the Roman Alphabet.
The Roman Emperor - God Hadit = Julio Cesar = 116 - The Key of it All
The original alphabet used in Old English was called Futhark -
"Old English
The English language was first written in the Anglo-Saxon futhorc runic alphabet, in use from the 5th century. This alphabet was brought to what is now England, along with the proto-form of the language itself, by Anglo-Saxon settlers. Very few examples of this form of written Old English have survived, these being mostly short inscriptions or fragments.
The Latin script, introduced by Christian missionaries, began to replace the Anglo-Saxon futhorc from about the 7th century, although the two continued in parallel for some time. Futhorc influenced the emerging English alphabet by providing it with the letters thorn (Þ þ) and wynn (Ƿ ƿ). The letter eth (Ð ð) was later devised as a modification of dee (D d), and finally yogh (Ȝ ȝ) was created by Norman scribes from the insular g in Old English and Irish, and used alongside their Carolingian g.
The a-e ligature ash (Æ æ) was adopted as a letter its own right, named after a futhorc rune æsc. In very early Old English the o-e ligature ethel (Œ œ) also appeared as a distinct letter, likewise named after a rune, œðel. Additionally, the v-v or u-u ligature double-u (W w) was in use.
In the year 1011, a writer named Byrhtferð ordered the Old English alphabet for numerological purposes.[2] He listed the 24 letters of the Latin alphabet (including ampersand) first, then 5 additional English letters, starting with the Tironian note ond (⁊) an insular symbol for and:
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z & ⁊ Ƿ Þ Ð Æ
Modern English
In the orthography of Modern English, thorn (þ), eth (ð), wynn (ƿ), yogh (ȝ), ash (æ), and ethel (œ) are obsolete. Latin borrowings reintroduced homographs of ash and ethel into Middle English and Early Modern English, though they are not considered to be the same letters[citation needed] but rather ligatures, and in any case are somewhat old-fashioned. Thorn and eth were both replaced by th,[citation needed] though thorn continued in existence for some time, its lowercase form gradually becoming graphically indistinguishable from the minuscule y in most handwriting. Y for th can still be seen in pseudo-archaisms such as "Ye Olde Booke Shoppe". The letters þ and ð are still used in present-day Icelandic and Faroese. Wynn disappeared from English around the fourteenth century when it was supplanted by uu, which ultimately developed into the modern w. Yogh disappeared around the fifteenth century and was typically replaced by gh.
The letters u and j, as distinct from v and i, were introduced in the 16th century, and w assumed the status of an independent letter, so that the English alphabet is now considered to consist of the following 26 letters:
The variant lowercase form long s (ſ) lasted into early modern English, and was used in non-final position up to the early 19th century.
The ligatures æ and œ are still used in formal writing for certain words of Greek or Latin origin, such as encyclopædia and cœlom. Lack of awareness and technological limitations (such as their absence from the standard qwerty keyboard) have made it common to see these rendered as "ae" and "oe", respectively, in modern, non-academic usage. These ligatures are not used in American English, where a lone e has mostly supplanted both (for example, encyclopedia for encyclopædia, and fetus for fœtus)." -
I was doing some meditating on The Key of it All and Julio Cesar the Emperor of Rome / Julio Cesar = God Hadit = 116, Ninety Three = Julio Martinez = 181, Julio Cesar = The Son of the Beast = 154 etc. when I started to remember that the entire English Alphabet was originally based on the Latin Alphabet which was devised in Rome.
I figured it must have been like clockwork as the English language periodically evolved from using the Roman Alphabet.
The Roman Emperor - God Hadit = Julio Cesar = 116 - The Key of it All
![]() |
Futhark |
The original alphabet used in Old English was called Futhark -
"Old English
The English language was first written in the Anglo-Saxon futhorc runic alphabet, in use from the 5th century. This alphabet was brought to what is now England, along with the proto-form of the language itself, by Anglo-Saxon settlers. Very few examples of this form of written Old English have survived, these being mostly short inscriptions or fragments.
The Latin script, introduced by Christian missionaries, began to replace the Anglo-Saxon futhorc from about the 7th century, although the two continued in parallel for some time. Futhorc influenced the emerging English alphabet by providing it with the letters thorn (Þ þ) and wynn (Ƿ ƿ). The letter eth (Ð ð) was later devised as a modification of dee (D d), and finally yogh (Ȝ ȝ) was created by Norman scribes from the insular g in Old English and Irish, and used alongside their Carolingian g.
The a-e ligature ash (Æ æ) was adopted as a letter its own right, named after a futhorc rune æsc. In very early Old English the o-e ligature ethel (Œ œ) also appeared as a distinct letter, likewise named after a rune, œðel. Additionally, the v-v or u-u ligature double-u (W w) was in use.
In the year 1011, a writer named Byrhtferð ordered the Old English alphabet for numerological purposes.[2] He listed the 24 letters of the Latin alphabet (including ampersand) first, then 5 additional English letters, starting with the Tironian note ond (⁊) an insular symbol for and:
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z & ⁊ Ƿ Þ Ð Æ
Modern English
In the orthography of Modern English, thorn (þ), eth (ð), wynn (ƿ), yogh (ȝ), ash (æ), and ethel (œ) are obsolete. Latin borrowings reintroduced homographs of ash and ethel into Middle English and Early Modern English, though they are not considered to be the same letters[citation needed] but rather ligatures, and in any case are somewhat old-fashioned. Thorn and eth were both replaced by th,[citation needed] though thorn continued in existence for some time, its lowercase form gradually becoming graphically indistinguishable from the minuscule y in most handwriting. Y for th can still be seen in pseudo-archaisms such as "Ye Olde Booke Shoppe". The letters þ and ð are still used in present-day Icelandic and Faroese. Wynn disappeared from English around the fourteenth century when it was supplanted by uu, which ultimately developed into the modern w. Yogh disappeared around the fifteenth century and was typically replaced by gh.
The letters u and j, as distinct from v and i, were introduced in the 16th century, and w assumed the status of an independent letter, so that the English alphabet is now considered to consist of the following 26 letters:
The variant lowercase form long s (ſ) lasted into early modern English, and was used in non-final position up to the early 19th century.
The ligatures æ and œ are still used in formal writing for certain words of Greek or Latin origin, such as encyclopædia and cœlom. Lack of awareness and technological limitations (such as their absence from the standard qwerty keyboard) have made it common to see these rendered as "ae" and "oe", respectively, in modern, non-academic usage. These ligatures are not used in American English, where a lone e has mostly supplanted both (for example, encyclopedia for encyclopædia, and fetus for fœtus)." -
Libertas - The Statue of Liberty - A Roman Goddess
The Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World; French: La Liberté éclairant le monde) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886. The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue is an icon of freedom and of the United States: a welcoming signal to immigrants arriving from abroad. -
The Statue of Liberty is a robed female figure representing the Roman Goddess Libertas.
Libertas (Latin for Liberty) was the Roman goddess and embodiment of liberty. -
A Tribute To Julius Caesar
"Libertas (Latin fo In 46 BC, the Roman Senate voted to build and dedicate a shrine to Libertas in recognition of Julius Caesar, but no temple was built; instead, a small statue of the goddess stood in the Roman Forum.[1]" -
Galba Caesar's "Freedom of the People" Coins
"In addition, money throughout history has born the name or image of Libertas. Libertas was pictured on Galba's "Freedom of the People" coins during his short reign after the death of Nero.[3] The University of North Carolina records two instances of private banks in its state depicting Libertas on their banknotes;[4][5] Libertas is depicted on the 5, 10 and 20 Rappen denomination coins of Switzerland.
The Greek equivalent of the goddess Libertas is Eleutheria, the personification of liberty.r Liberty) was the Roman goddess and embodiment of liberty." -
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The Statue of Liberty |
The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World; French: La Liberté éclairant le monde) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886. The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue is an icon of freedom and of the United States: a welcoming signal to immigrants arriving from abroad. -
The Statue of Liberty is a robed female figure representing the Roman Goddess Libertas.
Libertas (Latin for Liberty) was the Roman goddess and embodiment of liberty. -
A Tribute To Julius Caesar
"Libertas (Latin fo In 46 BC, the Roman Senate voted to build and dedicate a shrine to Libertas in recognition of Julius Caesar, but no temple was built; instead, a small statue of the goddess stood in the Roman Forum.[1]" -
Galba Caesar's "Freedom of the People" Coins
"In addition, money throughout history has born the name or image of Libertas. Libertas was pictured on Galba's "Freedom of the People" coins during his short reign after the death of Nero.[3] The University of North Carolina records two instances of private banks in its state depicting Libertas on their banknotes;[4][5] Libertas is depicted on the 5, 10 and 20 Rappen denomination coins of Switzerland.
The Greek equivalent of the goddess Libertas is Eleutheria, the personification of liberty.r Liberty) was the Roman goddess and embodiment of liberty." -
Slight Change of Topic
I've decided to try and continue our studies by moving on to slightly different topics.
What Else
Alright I have to be honest here I really think I'm missing a lot of information on what's been going on lately with the government.
I'm doing a lot of research right now. I can't tell exactly what's going on, but there's some really shady stuff happening.
I'm gonna try to scrounge up as much information as I can, but it's going to take some work.
There are like tons of conspiracy theories as to what's going on in the government right now all over the internet and it's hard to figure out which ones to trust and which ones not trust as valid information.
I guess this is gonna take some time, but I just need to do a lot of work to put all of this together.
I'm doing a lot of research right now. I can't tell exactly what's going on, but there's some really shady stuff happening.
I'm gonna try to scrounge up as much information as I can, but it's going to take some work.
There are like tons of conspiracy theories as to what's going on in the government right now all over the internet and it's hard to figure out which ones to trust and which ones not trust as valid information.
I guess this is gonna take some time, but I just need to do a lot of work to put all of this together.
Obama Accused of Gay Sex, Drugs, and Murder
I know we've been spending some time looking back at our country's history and the events that occurred on 9/11.
I don't know why I'm barely doing this just now, but I figured it's time we start to look at what's going on in our government. I was just going through several conspiracy theories online about the government when I came upon this video, which I thought was interesting.
I know we've been spending some time looking back at our country's history and the events that occurred on 9/11.
I don't know why I'm barely doing this just now, but I figured it's time we start to look at what's going on in our government. I was just going through several conspiracy theories online about the government when I came upon this video, which I thought was interesting.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Eight and One in Eight - A New Piece of the Puzzle - 8/1/97 - Sept. 20, 2001
"15. For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King are not of me; for there is a further secret." - Liber Legis
"but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed" - Liber Legis
This verse I figured must be referring to the equation Hadit = 81.
On 8/1/97 - Sept. 20, 2001, President George W. Bush issued an address to the Nation right after the 9/11 attacks on terrorism.
Link to the Sept. 20, 2001 Address:
"but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed" - Liber Legis
This verse I figured must be referring to the equation Hadit = 81.
On 8/1/97 - Sept. 20, 2001, President George W. Bush issued an address to the Nation right after the 9/11 attacks on terrorism.
Link to the Sept. 20, 2001 Address:
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Work in Progress!
This blog is a work in progress! I am just barely putting the pieces together to this puzzle! I'll have more information on our 9/11 - 7/18 research as soon as it comes in.
New York City Area Code 718
I just made a startling discovery in our 7/18 research. As it turns out 718 is actually a New York City Area Code that is used in the Manhattan Area of New York City.
Area code 718
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The blue area is New York State; the red area is area code 718.
North American area code 718 is a New York City telephone area code (overlaid by area codes 347 and 917) in the boroughs of the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, as well as the Marble Hill section of Manhattan. - Area_code_718
The World Trade Center is a complex of buildings under construction in Lower Manhattan, New York City, United States - World_Trade_Center
NYC Firefighters & EMS staff
FDNY Bureau of Health Services, WTC Treatment Program
This is an actual phone number from the New York City Area.
Area code 718
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The blue area is New York State; the red area is area code 718.
North American area code 718 is a New York City telephone area code (overlaid by area codes 347 and 917) in the boroughs of the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, as well as the Marble Hill section of Manhattan. -
The World Trade Center is a complex of buildings under construction in Lower Manhattan, New York City, United States -
I'm looking up New York City Phone Numbers
NYC Firefighters & EMS staff
FDNY Bureau of Health Services, WTC Treatment Program
This is an actual phone number from the New York City Area.
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