The Muse was speaking: wings sounded in the air, and voices in greeting came out of the high branches. The daughter of Jupiter looked up, and questioned where the sound came from, that was so much like mouths speaking, and thought it human, though it was birdsong. Nine of them, magpies, that imitate everything, had settled in the branches, bemoaning their fate." - The MetamorphosesBefore I talk about this part I wanted to mention that I'm a bit confused as to whether this is saying that Music is Magickal or exactly what it's saying. Personally I typically get somewhat concerned when I think I spot something that sounds as if it were to be directly portraying something I might have written on my blog. Still a somewhat confusing subject, to me it's very intriguing very very intriguing. I think it's one of the most intriguing subjects in the book.
This part enters to where a goddess named Calliope chooses the goddess Ceres to be the subject of one of her songs.
"Bk V:332-384 Calliope sings: Cupid makes Dis fall in love
‘This much she played on her lute, with singing voice. Then called on us, - but perhaps you are not at leisure, or free to listen to a repetition of our music?’ ‘Do not stop’ said
Pallas, ‘but sing your song again as you arranged it!’ and she sat amongst the light shadows of the grove. The Muse renewed her tale ‘We gave our best singer to the contest.
Calliope, who rose, with her loose hair bound with ivy, tried out the plaintive strings with her fingers, then accompanied the wandering notes with this song.
Ceres first turned the soil with curving plough, first ripened the crops and produce of the earth, first gave us laws:
all things are Ceres’s gift. My song is of her. If only I could create a song in any way worthy of the goddess! This goddess is truly a worthy subject for my song." - The Metamorphoses
Did artists choose me as the subject for their songs. It's really intriguing somehow because I'm not exactly sure how to go about it because, for instance it says that birds often bemoan the fate of a person in their singing so would that be considered a Metamorphoses, pretty much, but for instance when I look at the video "Power" by Kanye West I start to wonder whether if it's birds singing of if the artist could possibly know me directly through a sort of All-Seeing Eye sort of technology I considered this seeing as how they often admit that a lot of musicians are in the Illuminati and as you may know one of the Illuminati's main symbols is the All-Seeing Eye. So it's a question I think that could be up for debate, very interesting subject.
The part where Calliope sings starts on this part:
"Bk V:294-331 The contest between the Pierides and the Muses
The Muse was speaking: wings sounded in the air, and voices in greeting came out of the high branches. The daughter of Jupiter looked up, and questioned where the sound came from, that was so much like mouths speaking, and thought it human, though it was birdsong. Nine of them, magpies, that imitate everything, had settled in the branches, bemoaning their fate. While she wondered, the other began speaking, goddess to goddess, ‘Defeated in a contest, they have been added only recently to the flocks of birds.
Pierus of
Pella, rich in fields, was their father, and
Paeonian Euippe was their mother. Nine times, while giving birth, she called, nine times, to powerful
Lucina. Swollen with pride in their numbers, this crowd of foolish sisters came here, to us, through the many cities of
Achaia and
Haemonia, and challenged us to a singing competition, saying “Stop cheating the untutored masses with your empty sweetness. If you have faith in yourselves, contend with us, you goddesses of
Thespiae. We cannot be outdone in voice or art, and we are your equals in numbers. If you want, if you are defeated, you can grant us the
Heliconian fountains,
Hippocrene, of
Medusa’s offspring, and
Boeotian Aganippe. Or we will grant you the Emathian plains as far as snow-covered
Paeonia! Let the nymphs decide the outcome.”
It was shameful to compete with them, but it seemed more shameful to concede. The nymphs were elected, and swore on their streams to judge fairly, and sat on platforms of natural rock. Then, without drawing lots, the one who had first declared the contest sang, of the war with the gods, granting false honours to the giants, and diminishing the actions of the mighty deities. How
Typhoeus, issued forth from his abode in the depths of the earth, filling the heavenly gods with fear, and how they all turned their backs in flight, until
Egypt received them, and the
Nile with its seven mouths. She told how earth-born Typhoeus came there as well, and the gods concealed themselves in disguised forms. “
Jupiter” she said, “turned himself into a ram, the head of the flock, and even now
Libyan Ammon is shown with curving horns.
Delian Apollo hid as a crow,
Semele’s child, as a goat,
Diana, the sister of
Phoebus, a cat,
Saturnian Juno a white cow,
Venus a fish, and
Cyllenian Mercury the winged ibis.”
Bk V:332-384 Calliope sings: Cupid makes Dis fall in love
‘This much she played on her lute, with singing voice. Then called on us, - but perhaps you are not at leisure, or free to listen to a repetition of our music?’ ‘Do not stop’ said
Pallas, ‘but sing your song again as you arranged it!’ and she sat amongst the light shadows of the grove. The Muse renewed her tale ‘We gave our best singer to the contest.
Calliope, who rose, with her loose hair bound with ivy, tried out the plaintive strings with her fingers, then accompanied the wandering notes with this song.
Ceres first turned the soil with curving plough, first ripened the crops and produce of the earth, first gave us laws: all things are Ceres’s gift. My song is of her. If only I could create a song in any way worthy of the goddess! This goddess is truly a worthy subject for my song." - The Metamorphoses
"Bk V:642-678 Calliope sings: Triptolemus. The Fate of the Pierides
So ended the singing, from
the greatest of our singers, and the nymphs, with one harmonious voice, said that
the goddesses of
Helicon had taken the honours. When the losers hurled abuse at us, I said “Seeing that you deserve punishment enough for your challenge, and now add profanities to your offence, and since our patience is not unlimited, we will move on to sentence you, and follow where anger prompts us.” The
Emathides laughed and ridiculed these threatening words, but as they tried to speak, and, attack us with insolent hands, making a great clamour, they saw feathers spring from under their nails, and plumage cover their arms. Each one saw the next one’s mouth harden to a solid beak, and a new bird enter the trees. When they wanted to beat their breasts in sorrow, they hung in the air, lifted by the movement of their arms, magpies now, the slanderers of the woods. Even now, as birds, their former eloquence remains, their raucous garrulity, and their monstrous capacity for chatter.’" - The Metamorphoses