Saturday, July 30, 2011

Random Qabbalistic Facts

Nu = 23 and as you might have seen in the movie "The Number 23" it is a very reoccurring number. Nuit = 48 which is the same number of Enochian Calls.

NU (In Hebrew) = 56
Had = 56
Will = 56
Love = 56
Hathor = 56
Atum = 56

Nuit + Hadit = 129
Babalon = 129

Ra - Hoor - Khuit = 130

129 + 130 = 259

The Greek Sephiroth Basileia equals 259 as well in Greek.

Khu = 26
KU (In Hebrew) = 26

YHVH (In Hebrew = 26

Khabs = 87

26 + 87 = 113

AChAD (In Hebrew) = 113
Moon Child = 113

AChAD is the Hebrew word for Love.

24 + 89 = 113

Do what thou wilt = 190
Love is the law = 190
Age of Aquarius = 190
Wheel of Fortune = 190
Sun of Midnight = 190

ChVKMH (Chokma in Hebrew) = 190 (Using ATBASH)

Will = 52
Love = 52
Heru = 52
Isis = 52
Sword = 52
Hide = 52
Spice = 52

Therion = 100
Julio = 100

100 + 52 = 152

Liber Legis = 152
Stone of Gold = 152
The Throne = 152
Nuit Had Nuit = 152

Julio = 35 = God
Six = 35

35 x 2 = 70

The Hebrew Letter Ayin equals to 70.

35 x 3 = 105

Six Six Six = 105
Angel = 105

35 x 4 = 140

Thelema = 140

Come! all ye, and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed. I, Hadit, am the complement of Nu, my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name of my House. = 2012

Ra = 37
Dios = 37

Fool = 41
One = 41

The Fool card is the first card in the Order of the "Stone of Gold".

Hoor = 42
Sol = 42

Hoor is the Egyptian God of the Sun. Sol is Spanish for Sun.

Air = 43
Sun = 43

"His name CHAOS, the sole viceregent of the Sun upon Earth; and in one Air the nourisher of all that breaths." - Liber XV

Arly = 46
Eve = 46

The Mother of Man.

Art = 56
Had = 56

Had! the Manifestation of Nuit.
Art! the Manifestation of Nuit.

Nuit can manifests her messages subconsciously through Art.

Star = 76
Value = 76
Justice = 76

Adam = 81
Cesar = 81
Hadit = 81

Regulus = 93
Solomon = 93

Regulus was my Magickal Name when doing Solomonic Magick.

Agape = 94
Magus = 94

Universe = 106
Hathor = 106

This reminds me of "The Milky Way".

Glamour = 107
Empress = 107
Glad word = 107

Fortify it! = 108

Julio C. Mtz = 109

Children = 110
Father = 110
Red Star = 110
Arlyvenarly = 110

Aether = 111

The Element of Aether can also be attributed to the Fool card, the Hebrew letter attributed to the Fool card is Aleph which when spelled out "ALP" equals to "111"

Pen Hand = 116
Julio Cesar = 116

Complement = 148

148 is the value of the 7th Sphere Netzach "Desire/Love" in Hebrew Qabbala. "I, Hadit, am the complement of Nu, my bride." - Hadit. One could change this to "I, Hadit, am the Desire/Love of Nu, my bride." which would make perfect sense.

Hierophant = 151
War-engine = 151

The pentagrams round the Hierophant in the Crowley's Thoth deck looks strikingly similar to the New Age Concept of the Mer-Ka-Ba, the body's light field of Ascension. Perhaps this could be the War-engine of which they speak of.

Heru-pa-kraath = 186

93 + 93 = 186

The Book of the Law = 215

One digit away from Abrahadabra.

But ye, o my people, rise up & awake! = 300

The traditional Rider Wait Tarot card "The Judgement" which is attributed to the Hebrew letter Shin equals 300.

Also for beauty's sake and love's! = 400
Divide, add, multiply, and understand. = 400

We can find Beauty through Math.

Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khuit Hrumachis = 400

With the God & the Adorer I am nothing: they do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit. = 456

400 + 56 = 456

Establish at thy Kaaba a clerk-house: all must be done well and with business way = 506

8+80+418 = 506

I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him. = 614
The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra. = 614

Hail! ye twin warriors about the pillars of the world! for your time is nigh at hand. = 956

The Greek Letter Sampi equals 900 and looks like part of a DNA strand.

900 + 56 = 956

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