I wanted to mention a very important detail about this entire revelation of me having come unto the realization of being the God King Caesar I think it only came forth to prove that all God King's were always just mere men and that there is really nothing that Magickal about them like as if they can perform Telekinesis or do any strange Magick like that. (You get the idea. Many people when they heard the term "Magus of the Aeon" they thought I was like Mary Poppins with the ability to fly and stuff like that. I have to admit that the Shiva Samhita does admit that it is possible for humans to achieve levitation, I for one have yet to really master any of the mentioned Siddhi's or Super Powers. I always figured in order to really master any of the tasks mentioned in that particular text it would be imperative to find a Guru or Specialist in the matter to really master it, which I have yet to find. I figured it would be important to travel to India or around those parts of Asia to find one.)
I just wanted to prove that I turned out to simply be an ordinary man, I'm not what you think like as in the way they would describe Jesus Christ being able to perform miracles and stuff like that. I am simply just an ordinary guy with nothing that special, but the power of my knowledge and intellectual skills.
I hate to break it to you guy's, but I am merely just a simple Man or Beast like any other Man or Beast. The Magick I can perform can performed by any other Man or Beast.
This concept I think should probably open the way to Science and Darwinism.
I was mentioning earlier on my Facebook that I decided we should start diving into Darwinism and Evolution. I had mentioned on this blog I had created a while back www.praeterwork.blogspot.com
I think the phrase
The Son of the Plants
The Son of the Beast
The Son of Man
The Son of God
Implies evolution
This one time I heard one of the voices mention something like that they think this reality is happening on multiple Time Lines somehow as in the same reality is happening in the Stone Age, this Age, and the Space Age as in this reality is also happening in a future manifestation of this reality like where there's supposed flying car's and stuff like that where everything is really futuristic, I really wouldn't know that for sure though.
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