In order to get the The Key of it All Order all you have to do is skip FOUR letters in the regular alphabet and then get two other letters then proceed the pattern.
For example:
AB cdef GH ijkl MN opqr ST uvwx YZ abcd EF ghij KL etc.
That will give you the following.
A = 1
B = 2
G = 3
H = 4
M = 5
N = 6
S = 7
T = 8
Y = 9
Z = 10
E = 11
F = 12
K = 13
L = 14
Q = 15
R = 16
W = 17
X = 18
C = 19
D = 20
I = 21
J = 22
O = 23
P = 24
U = 25
V = 26
Arlyvenarly = 123
ארליוהנארלי = 543
543 + 123 = 666
Once you get this row of letters simply switch the values of (K,Y,Z) with the values of (B,L,V) and you have The Key of it All. For instance switch B with Z, L with Y, and V with K and that give you The Key of it All. The switch between those 6 letters was a very complicated process. What I basically did was place the Order next to the Hebrew Qabballa Alphabet and then I tried to combine them until I got the value 666 in a row (This was another calculation of 666 besides the Arlyvenarly one).
Which gave me this:
The Key of it All (Inverted)
A = 1
Z = 2
G = 3
H = 4
M = 5
N = 6
S = 7
T = 8
L = 9
B = 10
E = 11
F = 12
V = 13
Y = 14
Q = 15
R = 16
W = 17
X = 18
C = 19
D = 20
I = 21
J = 22
O = 23
P = 24
U = 25
K = 26
If you turn this upside down it gives you the regular Key of it All.
The Key of it All
A = 26
Z = 25
G = 24
H = 23
M = 22
N = 21
S = 20
T = 19
L = 18
B = 17
E = 16
F = 15
V = 14
Y = 13
Q = 12
R = 11
W = 10
X = 9
C = 8
D = 7
I = 6
J = 5
O = 4
P = 3
U = 2
K = 1
Then what you do is simply put them back according to the Order so that the Tarot Card symbols can be in place and The Key of it All is complete.
The Key of it All (Inverted)
0.A = 26 The Fool
1.B = 17 The Magus
2.G = 24 The Priestess
3.H = 23 The Empress
4.M = 22 The Emperor
5.N = 21 The Hierophant
6.S = 20 The Lovers
7.T = 19 The Chariot
8.Y = 13 Lust
9.Z = 25 The Hermit
10.E = 16 The Wheel of Fortune
11.F = 15 Adjustment
12.K = 1 The Hanged Man
13.L = 18 Death
14.Q = 12 Art
15.R = 11 The Devil
16.W = 10 Tower
17.X = 9 The Star
18.C = 8 The Moon
19.D = 7 The Sun
20.I = 6 Aeon
21.J = 5 The Universe
22.O = 4 Disks
23.P = 3 Cups
24.U = 2 Swords
25.V = 14 Wands
The Key of it All
0.A = 1 The Fool
1.B = 10 The Magus
2.G = 3 The Priestess
3.H = 4 The Empress
4.M = 5 The Emperor
5.N = 6 The Hierophant
6.S = 7 The Lovers
7.T = 8 The Chariot
8.Y = 14 Lust
9.Z = 2 The Hermit
10.E = 11 The Wheel of Fortune
11.F = 12 Adjustment
12.K = 26 The Hanged Man
13.L = 9 Death
14.Q = 15 Art
15.R = 16 The Devil
16.W = 17 Tower
17.X = 18 The Star
18.C = 19 The Moon
19.D = 20 The Sun
20.I = 21 Aeon
21.J = 22 The Universe
22.O = 23 Disks
23.P = 24 Cups
24.U = 25 Swords
25.V = 13 Wands
If you use the Order by itself without switching the 6 letters if you calculate what Arlyvenarly equals to it equals to 123, if you add this sum with it's Hebrew Qabbala sum it also gives you 666.
Remember the only number I was looking for was 666, when I checked what the values of other words were like Will and Love, I was amazed and investigated further and realized it was a New Aeon and decided to make a blog about it.
The way I got the Order originally was a much more complicated process. The process I showed you here was much simpler than the original way I got to the Order. The original process on how I got the Order was more complicated you had to skip 11 letters and then after that use another pattern where you skip 2 letters and then 4. I've since forgotten how to do this original process, but sooner or later I'll get it again, the thing is I lost my original Magickal Diary by misplacing it once when I was practicing with band while I was writing lyrics in it, so I lost the original directions.
The way I originally got the Order was different and involved using the NAEQ and skipping letters on it, I've just since forgotten the steps, but I'll figure them out again sooner or later it just involves having to do really hard Mathematical work I don't want to do right now, I'll do it later so I can show you guys.
Keep in mind that the NAEQ, the first Alphabet that I needed to use in order to get the Order involved using this page on "Liber Legis":
Which has this verse written on it:
"47. This book shall be translated into all tongues: but always with the original in the writing of the Beast; for in the chance shape of the letters and their position to one another: in these are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key: then this circle squared in its failure is a key also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child & that strangely. Let him not seek after this; for thereby alone can he fall from it." - Liber Legis
The fact that I needed the NAEQ to get to the Order reminded me of this:
"54. Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold! thou, o prophet, shalt not behold all these mysteries hidden therein.
55. The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them.
56. Expect him not from the East, nor from the West; for from no expected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little; solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked. But thou hast all in the clear light, and some, though not all, in the dark." - Liber Legis
"...solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked." - Liber Legis
By the way I think there's some more ciphers out there worth working with all you have to do is find them. Try using the skip 11 letters and then the skip 2 and then 4 formula to see if you can find any other interesting ciphers. I'm pretty sure there's some more interesting ones out there. I've actually found a couple of other ciphers that were also pretty good, it's just so happens that this is the Golden one, I suppose.
Edit: Here is a further explanation on how the NAEQ was solved using v.76 hence making The Key of it All a continuation of the solving of v.76:
"I had originally read about the NAEQ was that Jim Lees discovered it by skipping 11 Letters in the original ABC Alphabet which then generated the ALW Cipher in order to get from A to L in the ABC's you need to skip 11 Letters.
Jim Lees discovered he had to skip 11 Letters because if you take the string of letters and numbers on v. 76 of Liber Legis "4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L" and you start with the number 2 next to 4 and then skip eleven digits you get to 24 and then you do the following:
A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L
4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4
You add 2 + 24 = 26 and you add 89 + 4 = 93 this get's you the digits 26 and 93. There are 26 Letters in the Alphabet and 93 is the number that represents Thelema which gave Jim Lee's the clue he needed to solve Liber Legis Chapter II Verse 55.
"55. Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto." - Liber Legis
After using this technique of skipping eleven letters he got the NAEQ which is symbolized by 26 and 93. Hence the NAEQ was considered the solving of verse 76 since he used what he learned from v. 76, the skipping of 11 letters to get 26;93 which was what was spoken of in Chapter II Verse 55. Now after this I started to experiment with the NAEQ, but was not satisfied with the results I mean Love and Will didn't even equal to the same number like in the Greek Qabalah where Thelema equals 93 like Agape, so I was like this NAEQ doesn't work it has to give Love and Will the same values and at the time there were absolutely no English Qabalah's that attributed the same value to both Love and Will. So it was then that I got to work to look for an English Qabalah that attributed the same value to both Love and Will and worked out over all (I was convinced there had to be one yet I googled everywhere and nobody had found one yet.)
Here is the post that describes how I came upon The Key of it All using the NAEQ, so technically the The Key of it All is a continuation of the NAEQ which was the solution and expounding of verse 76. The Key of it All is a continuation of the already solved v. 76 with the NAEQ.
"56. All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they understand a little; solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked. But thou hast all in the clear light, and some, though not all, in the dark."
I feel like the NAEQ was the solving of the first half of the equation of v. 76, I solved the second half of the equation, but all in all it's a solving of the v. 76 equation although Jim Lees solved the first half of it, I solved the second half of it."
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